Heart Attacks are just one of many heart conditions which also include angina, heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms, congenital heart disease and inherited heart conditions.
Most heart attacks are caused by coronary heart disease. A heart attack will occur when there is a sudden loss of blood flow to a part of the heart muscle. This may result in a cardiac arrest if the heart stops pumping blood around the body, but heart attacks and cardiac arrests are two different things. In the latter instance, the person will be unconscious and will not be breating normally.
Don't delay - call 999
If you think you or anyone else is having a heart attack, call 999 for an ambulance immediately. Any delay in receiging medical assistance could result in permanent injury to the heart or even death.
Symptoms of a heart attack do vary from person to person, but the following are the most common signs:
chest pain: a burning feeling, tightness, heaviness or severe pain in your chest
pain or tightness in the arms, jaw, back, neck or stomach. This could be severe or just make you feel uncomfortable
feeling nauseous or vomiting, sweating, feeling light-headed or short of breath
Every 7 minutes, someone in the Uk will have a heart attack. Prevention is clearly better than cure. Healthy Life Essex focuses on providing information that can help you lead a happier, healthier lifestyle which, in turn, will reduce your risk of heart disease including heart attack.
A number of our articles are very specific to heart health such as Preventing Heart Attacks the Natural Way and Women and Heart Attacks. Some are more about general health but will also specifically mention heart attacks, so do use the search facility on the web site to find more information. But also, do consider using the site to find other information that might benefit you. For example, if you haven’t been exercising for some time and / or don’t like the idea of joining a gym, you might like to consider a local Health Walk. These are normally free of charge and, apart from exercise, the fresh air and social interaction are also very beneficial. Or check out our Countryside and Wildlife Events: you will be surprised at the options are available for adults, for children, or for the whole family.
Complementary therapists may also be able to assist you with health issues and generally improving your lifestyle, so do check out our Complementary Therapists in Essex directory.