A simple, mental technique to develop happiness and creativity,
and provide relief from stress.
Transcendental Meditation, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a simple, natural, effortless mental technique, which is practised for 20 minutes morning and evening and unfolds a person’s full potential. It can be practised by anyone whatever their age, level of education or cultural background. It requires no change in belief, lifestyle or diet.
Published peer-reviewed scientific research has measured improvements in many areas of life. These include increases in creativity and energy and decreases in anxiety and hypertension.
In 2013 the American Heart Association reviewed all the evidence on different types of meditations and the only one they could recommend for reducing high blood pressure was Transcendental Meditation.
At the basis of these changes is more integrated brain functioning. Different types of meditation produce different effects on the brain as measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG). Transcendental Meditation allows the brain to function in a more orderly and coherent manner and so a person’s health improves and they become ill less often.
Research on the biochemical changes that take place has found a decrease in cortisol and increase in serotonin. Cortisol is associated with stress, while serotonin is associated with contentment. It is not uncommon to notice benefits within the first few days of learning Transcendental Meditation such as better quality of sleep and improved ability to concentrate and get on better with family, friends and work colleagues. A company in Colchester, Provide, paid for some of its staff to learn Transcendental Meditation. Carmel Rooney, the Head of Learning and Development at Provide, said:
“After just a few days following their training, the feedback from our staff at Provide who were practising TM was overwhelmingly positive.They talked about some of the benefits they were already experiencing from TM. It was unusual to get such positive feedback from everyone following a training event and particularly pleasing to hear about the positive changes and impact it was already having on different aspects of their lives.”
Research on Transcendental Meditation has been carried out in more than 30 countries, at more than 200 universities and research institutes. More than 400 scientific papers have been published in over 100 peer-reviewed journals.
Transcendental Meditation is taught under the auspices of Maharishi Foundation, a registered educational charity. The course fees vary according to a person’s income, in order that everyone can afford to learn Transcendental Meditation. In special cases of financial hardship there are scholarships available. The course fee can be paid over several months and once one has learned the technique one has it for the rest of one’s life. Thus, the once-off cost of TM compares very favourably with an annual membership of a gym, buying a computer or having a holiday.
A part of the course fee is used to teach Transcendental Meditation to children and adults at risk. These can include prison inmates, the homeless, orphans and children from war zones. This work is carried out in partnership with the David Lynch Foundation and they have some excellent videos on their website about this work: https://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/
The David Lynch Foundation has also inspired a number of celebrities to learn Transcendental Meditation. CLICK HERE to view a 4-minute video which shows some of the research and gives some testimonials both from ordinary people and those who are more famous.
Article provided by accredited, qualified TM teacher Barry Spivak
For information about Transcendental Meditation in Colchester and North Essex contact Barry via his website: https://uk.tm.org/colchester or Telephone: 01394 420455
Barry Spivack and Patricia Saunders have also written An Antidote to Violence which evaluates the evidence which suggests large groups practising TM can have a dramatic positive impact on world peace. Click here to read our review.