If you have an attractive front-garden, do send us your pictures
Do you have a lovely front garden or a ‘concrete jungle’?
Last summer, our regular contributor Eileen Peck asked: “What is happening to our front gardens?”
So many people have paved over their front gardens and this challenges wildlife as it means the loss of an essential ‘corridor.’ There are other considerations too such as an increased risk of flooding.
Of course, for many people, this is increasingly a necessity to enable them to park their cars (we plead guilty m’lud!) but it is lovely if you can retain some wildlife-friendly garden too. (We do have two small patches, but need to do better….)
And so we would love more pictures to feature in our readers’ wildlife-friendly front gardens. We particularly like to showcase smaller gardens that have also managed to retain some parking space in order to encourage others to do the same.
Please email any pictures to jill@healthylifeessex.co.uk. Please let us know where you live (the town, not the full address) the name you would like us to use which can, of course, just be an abbreviation if you prefer, and any comments you would like included.