I expect now more than ever, in these days that we are currently living through with all the uncertainty and chaos that is going on all around us, that each and every one of us feels somewhat lost and disconnected from the joy of just being and living.
We are so busy rushing here and there, working hard to keep the wolves from our doors! Weeks seem to fly by so fast: no sooner is it Monday then its Friday and there is no time to stop and smell the roses.
When we do get five minutes to sit down and relax, all we find is that the media and television bombard us terrible doom and gloom stories that keep us bogged down in fear and doubt about our jobs, disease, wars, unrest, the collapse of this and that, global warming etc etc The list just goes on and on, hence we end up becoming slaves to the system, not knowing what tomorrow will bring.
With our inner peace hard to find, many of us end up stressed and burnt out.
We worry what legacy we are leaving our children and grand children with rapidly depleting earthly resources. The scales are totally unbalanced with ninety per cent of the worlds wealth owed by ten per cent of the world’s population: we must stop and ask ourselves how we have allowed this to happen.
We have given away our inner power, that which is connected to source. We as the human family have allowed ourselves to be ruled and controlled by a system that is now failing – and mother earth will respond to that unless we wake up fast.
The ancients left us warnings of these days that we now living in. The knowledge is there for us all who have the time to seek and search for the many questions and answers that we are now facing – and face them we must if we do not want to end up like the dinosaurs: if you look at the age of our planet as a twenty four clock, mankind arrived ten minutes to midnight – and look what we have done!
The indigenous tribes on the planet got together joined forces and sent their wisest teachers to a ceremony called The Wisdom Keepers in Northern Arizona on April 18th –April 28th. This was a time of Teachings, Meditations and Healing Prayers to help bring about love and balance once more. The Native America Indians, the Aborigines from Australia, the Hunas from Hawaii, the Shaman from Africa, the Mayan priests & Mystics: wise men and women, both academic and lay preachers, joined in prayer to help bring about a change that will stop us heading for a new world order that only wants to rule, divide and control us. Instead, the path they pray for will forge a new life for humankind so that each may be able to follow there own sacred path and have respect for their brothers and sisters and Mother Earth, following whatever God they choose to follow that caters for our needs not our wants or greed’s. A path that will restore the earth, our home planet that none of us could exist without, and bring back love and balance once more for every human being and all the great spirits of creation.
Collectively we can change our reality and bring about happy positive changes that will steer us away from the path we are currently heading towards. We must all unite, for the clock is ticking: there are only two choices now, that of regaining our power and restoring balance and harmony – or giving our power away and destroying ourselves in the process.
It is time to wake up and look at the bigger picture – take stock of our lives and what is happening out there: to start taking responsibility instead of looking for blame elsewhere. We are all in this together and together now we either sink or swim!
Christalla Maria Bampton Christalla is a Reiki Master Teacher and also works with the Tarot for Spiritual Guidance. She is a member of Essex Healers H.P.A.I and along with The Rainbow Warriors runs meetings for meditation / prayer & discussion. For further information visit www.thetarottable.co.uk