What is solar energy and how do solar panels work? Solar radiation is a general term for the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun. We can capture and convert this solar radiation into useful forms of energy, such as heat and electricity.
The best systems use both; utilising the latest technology to heat water and power the system, making the system 100% carbon free. The feasibility and economical operation of this technology is relative to specific location and depends on the available solar radiation. In the UK we get 60% of the Equator, that’s more than enough.
The UK, which lies in the middle latitudes, receives more solar energy in the summer, not only because the days are longer, but also because the sun is more directly over head – the solar rays are far more slanted during the shorter days in the winter months.
The rotation of the Earth is responsible for hourly variation in sunlight – in the early morning and late afternoon, the sun is low in the sky thus its rays travel further through the atmosphere than at noon, when the sun is at its high point. On a clear day, the greatest amount of solar energy reaches the panel collector around noon – this is called the solar bulge. With the latest technology at your disposal, your system will supply you with hot water even on a cloudy day.
Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems For The Home
By burning fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) we are damaging the environment in which we live. We have all felt the climate changes due to global warming.
In this country alone we are experiencing higher than average temperatures; some of us suffering extreme flooding due to abnormal rainfall. The sea level is predicted to rise 20cm by 2030 because of melting ice caps and thermal expansion of the oceans due to increased water temperatures, bringing catastrophic results to low lying costal regions. In some areas crop failure with resulting famine is becoming a more regular problem; there are many plant and animal species, both land and sea, that will struggle to survive
All are related to our over use of fossil fuels – we need to act now to protect the future of generations to come. We all have the golden opportunity to do something about this by cutting our reliance on fossil fuels and to join the growing thousands of UK (and worldwide) residents making use of clean free energy.
For example some Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems will lower an average household’s carbon dioxide emissions by 1 to 2 Tonnes per year – imagine how much emissions would be reduced by if every household in the UK (around 20 million) were utilising some form of solar power and what benefits this would bring to the environment.
Saving energy of course also saves money – better systems can offer 60% to 75% reductions on annual hot water heating bills. With wholesale fuel prices on the up and up, harnessing solar power is even more worthwhile.
Adding a Solar Thermal Hot Water System to your home is similar to adding a conservatory, extension etc. – it adds saleability and value to your property – with the advent of Home Information Packs, which will include the Energy Performance Certificate, homes with a System installed will be more desirable than those without. There are even grants are available from The Low Carbon Buildings Programme subject to certain criteria and some local authorities also offer funding. Why not find out what is available in Essex?
Fiona Roy
UK Operations Manager
Solar Power (GB) Ltd
Braintree, Essex.