Relay For Life is a unique and inspirational community-led event, organised by a group of volunteers, that celebrates those who survive cancer and pays tribute to those who are touched by it. It brings together communities, Survivors and those who have been touched by cancer to celebrate life and help raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Relay For Life can involve many things – a walking event, a party, a concert, a big day out. But most of all, it brings local communities together to help beat cancer. Local teams of friends, family, neighbours and colleagues fundraise within their local communities throughout the year, raising all they can for the life-saving work of Cancer Research UK. Then get together for a great overnight event of celebration and commemoration that everyone in the community can join in.
At the event people gather at their local race track, park or sports field and take turns walking laps. Each team tries to keep at least one member on the track at all times, whilst all around them a party is in full swing. The teams, their supporters and visitors from the local community create a carnival atmosphere.
In Essex, a Relay for Life is held annually in Clacton, Colchester and Southend.
Registering a team or as a survivor can be done online and it only takes a few short minutes! Or you can dedicate a candle of hope to a loved one, to be placed around the track for the Candle of Hope ceremony.