It is never too late to change things up and switch careers, even if you think you might be too old to try something new there’s usually a way to give it a go! Retirement might have once meant spending your days at home but for some it comes as a good opportunity to spend time doing something they love, even if it’s a part time role. And of course, keeping active and mentally stimulated is an essential aspect of keeping fit and healthly. So if there’s something you’ve always wanted to try or you’re just not ready to retire full time, then look around as a change could be just what you need!
Do some research
If you are considering a career switch then it’s worth doing some research, look at jobs available within the sector you’re interested in. Once you’ve seen what is available then you can start to investigate what might interest you and what you can see yourself doing. If money isn’t a huge priority then you could consider a volunteering role or supportive/ mentoring position to help you connect with other people within an industry. Healthy Life Essex has lots of information about volunteering. You might find this article by Sharon Cattermole quite inspiring.
Look at your skill set
Looking at the skills you have is a good place to start, map out your strengths and take time to update your C.V to make sure these stand out. You can also identify any gaps or things you need to improve on, investigate doing some online learning or courses or you could consider doing some volunteering to add to your skillset! It’s important to be realistic with what you can do, so by looking at your strengths and skills you’ll be able to see what roles you might suit.
Use your network
Making the most of your network is something you can use to your advantage, utilise platforms such as Linkedin or connect with any contacts you might have made throughout your career. You never know the opportunities that can arise by connecting with different people and seeing if there are any new roles that might work for you. And let’s not forget the saying, it’s who you know that can help so don’t overlook the importance of using your network.
Be Flexible
When it comes to changing things up then you might find that the roles are in a different location or have different working hours so being flexible is important. If you make a list of things you’re happy to compromise on then you’ll get a better idea of the things you can be flexible towards, for example if you don’t have a lot of commitments outside of work or don’t mind working odd hours then you’ll be flexible when it comes to working shifts.
Article by Megan Salter