Can CBD oil help you fight anxiety?
We have all been there. Being nervous during a meeting or presentation at work or at school. That awful feeling like you cannot breathe properly and suddenly feeling a rise in temperature. Even though it has been proven that it is normal to feel some type of tension during these specific moments, anxiety is an extreme version of it. Many coping with anxiety, would like to get it under control. Fighting anxiety with CBD oil could be part of the solution.
Over recent years, our society has seen an increasing percentage of people suffering from stress and anxiety. This situation has exacerbated dramatically over the last seven months with the lifestyle-changes and fears brought about by the pandemic, and that situation seems set to continue for many months to come.
Stress is normally a response to an identified trigger, such as pressures of demands at work, worries about paying the bills or times of uncertainty. Anxiety, although its origins may be identifiable, such as a traumatic incident or excessive stress, may not have an identifiable cause.
Academic stress, stress from not being able to balance work and life pressures, eco-anxiety, and other personal issues caused by or combined with the added toxicity of COVID fears, could be creating a time-bomb of ongoing mental health issues. The younger generations are particularly at risk this time in their lives when normal student stress is combined with fears that they may never be able to achieve the career and lifestyle aspirations that had not so long ago been tantalisingly close.
Younger people have been criticised for being irresponsible and partying when they should be keeping to the social distancing rules relevant to their area and circumstances. And yes, one cannot deny this is irresponsible and is potentially triggering a second wave of the pandemic and we should not excuse or condone this behaviour. But perhaps we should be rather more empathetic: after all, partying is what most teenagers expect to be doing, as generations before them have done, and it is also, for many, part of their coping mechanism.
Whatever our age and whatever the causes, it is important we look at ways to help us cope with anxiety and stress to avoid more serious mental health issues.
Lifestyle choices that affect anxiety levels
Firstly, it is important to understand the gut-brain connection because, although most people understand it is important to eat healthily, few acknowledge that we can reduce anxiety with our food choices.
Similarly, exercise doesn’t just relate to keeping fit and keeping our weight under control. Exercise also affects your brain and is known to reduce anxiety levels
There are a multitude of other simple ways that can help reduce levels of anxiety such as practising meditation, writing down your thoughts, getting enough sleep, walking in the countryside, and drinking sufficient water.
More recently, social prescribers/link workers have been introduced to GP practices and people showing signs of stress and anxiety might be referred to a community gardening project or art classes, for example.
Use and benefits of CBD oil
Increasingly, many people have been found fighting anxiety with CBD oil to be extremely effective.
If you are purchasing CBD online, it is important to find a reliable retailer as the purity of the product is essential. Carefully check details of the website, ensure all their products go through an appropriate testing process, they are UK-based and/or they are members of one of the UK hemp and cannabis trades association. Cibdol, for example, is a member of the Cannabis Trades Association.
If you scroll down the CBD oils page on the Cibdol website, beyond the long list of products, you will find extensive information about CBD oil including how it is made, dosage, effects, legality and so much more.
Based on scientific research, a few of the health benefits of CBD are its ability to:
- Relieve physical pain
- Reduce depression
- Reduce acne
- Prevent diabetes
- Improve the heart-condition
Consistency is key
If you are fighting anxiety with CBD oil, consistency is key. Many people with anxiety issues claim that dropping three drops of CBD oil under the tongue three times a day, does the job.
But most importantly, always take the advice of a health professional if you are trying any new products.
But don’t forget, the best advice of all is making the essential lifestyle changes we have already mentioned to help you fight anxiety.