Dementia can be prevented and its symptoms reversed
We all know that dementia is a terrible condition. And when it is predicted that by 2025 around 1 million people in the UK will be living with dementia, it is quite terrifying that the conventional view is that little if anything can be done to prevent the condition and that dementia cannot be reversed. The NHS states: “Although there is no cure for dementia at present, if it’s diagnosed in the early stages, there are ways you can slow it down and maintain mental function.” But according to some health professionals, far more can be done to stop and reverse the symptoms of this terrible decline in brain health.
Anna Betz is a Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist & NHS Senior Practitioner in Mental Health. Find out more about her research, and that of other medical professionals, showing how dementia CAN be prevented and its symptoms CAN be reversed.
Signs that the field of dementia is finally shifting towards prevention
Narrow perspectives have lead to poor outcomes
by Anna Betz
Alzheimer’s drug trials
“Doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” – that was Einstein’s definition of insanity. But look around you and reflect on how often we find this madness? Why is that we have such a habit of doing the same thing over and over again, even when we keep getting poor outcomes?
When Alzheimers drug trials have a 99.6% failure rate which is much worse than the failure rates for any other drug, then wouldn’t we do well to rethink and look at areas where we can make a difference and where others have been making a real difference already? (1)
Understanding the neurodegenerative process
For example the work of Dale E. Bredesen, a professor of neurology at the Easton Laboratories for Neurodegenerative Disease Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has culminated in the development of a protocol to reverse cognitive decline. It is called ReCODE and currently used by over 3,000 patients with the goal of not just preventing, but reversing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. Dr.Bredesen already has evidence of having reversed the symptoms in over 100 people. I don’t know of anyone else who could match that yet. His laboratory focuses on identifying and understanding basic mechanisms underlying the neurodegenerative process and the translation of this knowledge into effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions.
I agree with him when he claims that Alzheimers is a complex disease that can be prevented and the symptoms reversed in the majority of people if treated early enough. (2)
Recognising possible triggers
As the disease process begins in the brain decades before the first symptom of memory loss, it is important for all of us to pay attention to possible triggers for inflammation and learn what to do about them. Such triggers are often complex and could include anything that causes undue stress to the individual person for a prolonged period of time. They could include a combination of physical, emotional, spiritual and environmental factors as well as a genetic predisposition that together overwhelm the individual system and eventually lead to a breakdown. (3)
My work as a Medical Herbalist
Working in the NHS with dementia sufferers for over a decade, I have become starkly aware of the need for some fresh thinking.
My 30 years of experience in Natural Medicine have told me that chronic inflammation is a sign of an imbalance created by the body’s inability to ‘digest’ the stress it was dealing with.
I felt compromised in my work with dementia patients who were given a diagnosis of dementia and told that there were no disease modifying treatments.
In 2013, I went for a coffee with Dr.Claudia Cooper, a researcher at UCL and explained my thinking about slowing down or reversing chronic inflammation based on the work I had been doing as a Medical Herbalist for several decades. Before agreeing to embark on a joint project, she tested me out by sending some patients to my herbal practice. When their conditions had resolved within a short time, she agreed to work with me on the project now known as ‘Brainfood’.
The start of our work coincided with new research findings in many parts of the world including the Finger trial and a systemic review by Exeter university where 9 of 12 trials had found a Mediterranean style diet successful in preventing or slowing down memory decline. (4)
In 2014, the Camden Memory Service became the first Memory Service in the UK to offer a 5 session manualised programme for patients with mild dementia, MCI and SMI. Then in 2017, our work was featured on BBC London. (5)
Much has happened since then. One of the outcomes is The APPLE Tree programme: sActive Prevention in People at risk of dementia through Lifestyle, bEhaviour change and Technology to build REsiliEnce. In fact one of the sites for this programme will be St.Margarets Hospital in Epping, Essex. (6)
My Brain Health programme
In my practice as a herbalist and as a licensed nutritionist, I use the Bredesen approach (7) and also offer an online Brain Health programme. (8). One of my patients with a diagnosis of Alzheimers didn’t actually have a history of any chronic inflammatory disease. By testing for toxins we discovered that her body was suffering from a heavy burden of mould toxins and a special blood test showed that her adrenal hormones were very low.
By treating the mould in her home, taking supplements to bind mould toxins, taking herbs to support her adrenal function and adhering to a diet very low in carbohydrates and high in good fats with lots of leafy green vegetables and practising some relaxation she is making good progress.
In other patients the common causes for their cognitive decline could include one or more of the following: poor blood sugar control, lack of sleep, eating too close to bedtime, leaky gut, consuming too many high carb foods and drinks, consuming trans fats, drinking too much alcohol, lack of social or mental stimulation, poor dental hygiene, heavy metal overload or too much emotional and psychological stress.
Maintaining individualised programs
It is important to emphasise that the symptoms of dementia can be reversed provided people keep to an individualised program. Once people stop following the prescribed program or advice their symptoms may return more or less gradually, depending on age and how aggressive their individual condition is.
Dr.Bredesen makes it very clear that it is not about a cure but that the symptoms can be reversed to some degree in most people and in many they can be reversed totally.
Case study: a dementia patient in her 80’s who was doing very well for about 6 months and then stopped all the natural supplements assuming she was fine…
My patient’s initial blood tests showed that she was a borderline diabetic and that her inflammatory markers were too high. Her GP told her not to worry! She used to go to sleep around midnight and was becoming easily anxious and panicky.
Once she had seen me, her memory and mood improved quite quickly once she adopted the advice I had given her which meant adjusting her diet, attending pilates classes, going for regular walks and taking natural supplements. She looked and felt much better when I saw her again a month later.
Then 6 months later, she reported that her anxiety had returned and that her memory had gotten worse again. She told me that after a couple of months of feeling really good she thought she was fine and stopped the treatment. I had to remind her of what I had made clear right at the beginning, that she couldn’t just stop her supplements, go back to her old diet and go to sleep so late and then expect to maintain the improvement.
When she restarted what I had advised initially, she noticeably improved within a couple of weeks, feeling her usual self again.
We need to change course before it’s too late…!
As our population ages, and the number of people diagnosed with dementia continues to rise, we must avoid the fate of the Titanic and change course whilst we still can. We tend to forget that we can change perspective and habits, no matter what age we are. There might be sanity in a more holistic perspective on disease.
I offer presentations, workshops and private consultations, both online and in person. If you are interested or just want to ask some questions, do give me a call.
Anna Betz
Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist ,NHS Senior Practitioner in Mental Health
Tel: 07731 584358
Well how timely to read this article. Leaving the iron on to check where the dog was almost lead to a house fire. Ours. The smell of a burning shirt, fortunately mine, stank. Almost as foul-smelling as burnt carrots in a black-bottomed pan. Yes, I’ve done that too. No wonder my wife no longer wishes me to continue ironing and cooking vegetables, unsupervised.
Anna Betz sums it up best. Dementia is a complex illness and if made of building bricks, each one might have the ability to fall while the others might remain in place is what MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) is for me. I was diagnosed with MCI in 2003, and fortunately, it has stayed fairly stable. Yes, I am President of the Dumfries Burns Club in its 200th year, and an author with MCI. I get around these talks by computer spell and grammar checks, marital help and daughters support. But to give talks I must read from my prepared script.
Green leaf tea is what I now drink after I found it so refreshing. A good healthy diet is crucial and as it’s Wednesday night, I am off to badminton.
I could not agree more with the role of nutrients and keeping active. Yes, there will be downfalls but I believe I will do more things correct than not. The only issue I have is that as with most mental health patients, it’s an unseen illness. This leads to frustration, disbelief and confusion. Society must have better empathy for sufferers.
PS. My latest book, due to be published next Tuesday 24th September, is A reluctant Spy and today I spoke about it to Talk Radio Europe. The story is based on the life of the author’s great aunt, whose circumstances shortly before the outbreak of WWII led her to act as a double agent for the British and giving evidence at the Nuremberg trials following the end of the conflict.
We expect huge interest in this story. With European TV channel, ARTE, having already bought the screen rights to the book for a documentary, A Reluctant Spy is also being pitched for a film deal, so this truly is one not to be missed.
Not bad for someone who has had MCI for the last 16 years, eh?
[…] Miller has had MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) since 2003, I emailed him the link to an article about preventing and reversing the symptoms of dementia. You can read his full response as a comment on the article, but this is how he began his […]
Good to read your comment Miller. Although not all people with MCI progress to develop dementia, it is a high risk especially when there is a family history. It always makes me happy when people realise that health needs to be cultivated like the soil in a garden. It needs weeding and feeding. Sadly most people have lost touch with their own health and how it is interrelated with so many factors. Giving the responsibility for our health to doctors and expecting them to give us a magic pill certainly hasnt helped anyone with dementia. The prescription drugs may be licensed and approved but they can have nasty side effects and can do far less than a healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise and having meaning and purpose in ones life. Clearly being an author is giving you plenty of purpose and you seem to have a loving family. Have you changed your diet or anything else ? Have you ever thought how you could be an inspiration to others and give them hope by sharing what you do that helps you? I agree we need a lot more caring communities and rather than simply give a diagnosis, engage with people and their families and give them the opportunity to change old habits if they are making them ill.
I’ll leave Miller to respond in full, but he has actually written a fantastic book about memory loss which we reviewed a while ago: Have you seen my…ummm…memory?
Francis McNear is an author and businessman who unfortunately developed cognitive decline several years ago. He has improved on the Bredesen protocol and wrote a book about his journey. Defeating Dementia is a critically important account that should be read by the millions in the early stages of dementia, their caregivers, the many at risk for dementia, and the families searching for the very hope that Francis provides. His book is free on Kindle
Healthy Life Essex is a member of the SDAA – Southend, Castle Point and Rochford Dementia Action Alliance. I asked our Alliance co-ordinator to share this article with other members and was very disappointed when he declined. This was his response:
“I did receive the article and having read it, I am not able to promote it amongst the DAA members.
It is not in line with NHS or WHO clinical guidelines around the treatment of Dementia. In my own experience of dealing with the chemistry of Dementia, I cannot comfortably get behind this advice as I believe the evidence to be circumstantial and anecdotal. Also, I feel the evidence behind the wide plethora of issues of diets that encourage the body to maintain itself in a state of Ketosis to be strong, and clinical advice is not to undertake such a diet without the advice of an appropriate medical professional.
However, our advice is now, and will continue to be, that anyone with or without Dementia will benefit from making healthy dietary choices, maintaining a regular exercise routine and continuing to challenge their cognitive functions.
Of course, if clinical guidelines change, I will adjust my advice in line.”
Even if he started an email with a disclaimer that he did not approve of the article and felt it was not in line with current guidelines, surely other members are entitled to view information about other viewpoints and current research?
Anna, what are your thoughts on these comments, please?
The body’s ability to recover and heal Is greater than anyone has permitted us to believe. We are only at the very beginning of the next phase in human and social evolution. In the future we will necessarily develop scientific models which will be able to work with complex living organisms like human body-minds but at the moment the dominant linear model of science is unable to really understand and successfully work with complex living systems.
Thankfully this is slowly starting to change in areas like dementia and other neuro-degenerative diseases where there simply isnt any really satisfying conventional treatment. It is thanks to the courage and imagination of those patients and professionals who didnt simply accept the status quo handed down to them as the only acceptable truth. They tested more natural and holistic approaches which benefited them a great deal where drugs had failed. Even the LANCET mentioned the FINGER trial: a randomised controlled trial. It was a 2 year multidomain intervention of diet, exercise, cognitive training, and vascular risk monitoring versus control to prevent cognitive decline in at-risk elderly people.
The anti-dementia prescription drugs (Donepezil, Rivastigmine, Galantamine, Memantine) are not disease modifying as every dementia specialist will tell you. They may help suppress some symptoms temporarily while the underlying disease process progresses. For example Memantine may help reduce agitation and challenging behaviours in some patients but in most patients it doesnt make any noticeable difference. Donepezil and Rivastigmine which are the most commonly prescribed drugs cannot be taken by patients with certain kinds of dementia as it can make their symptoms worse. In fact many patients cannot tolerate these 2 drugs and are then left with no treatment at all.
In my view and that of many other holistic health practitioners, dementia is like a roof with over 30 holes, mending 1 hole which one of the drugs mentioned may be able to do for some patients, it is never going to address the whole and much more complex picture.
Can we wait for medical science to catch up with best practices that actually are making a difference to peoples lives? I dont think we should when the situation is so urgent and the disease prognosis so poor.
The question that has always been alive for me has been, how can we unleash our natural and inherent healing power? Drugs have their place and can save lives, they can suppress unwanted symptoms but they are simply not designed to rebalance biological systems like our body-mind systems.
Living systems are by nature complex, context based and adaptive. We have not learned how to listen to the signals, sensations and messages that our bodies communicate at every moment. We may even ask: What is the point of noticing and listening to something when we dont know how to be with and respond to? How would we know what the early signs of an imbalance are and how to restore balance?
Learning to notice and read the messages that our body-minds transmit to us at every moment and then learning how to respond and restore balance is something I find immensely rewarding. It is a skill and competence everyone can develop. I teach it in my workshops.
As more and more awareness grows involving the true causes of neurodegenerative brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias, Parkinson’s disease (PD) and PD-related disorders, Motor neurone diseases (MND) and many more, the more we can do our part to prevent and even treat them. Eventually we will identify and eliminate the chemicals in our environment and our food to prevent these diseases from happening.
Here is another article that readers may find inspiring:
Cutting Edge research into dementia prevention is also happening in the UK at UEA.
The trial, which is the first study of its kind in the UK, will attempt to change the diet and exercise habits of people over a 24-week period.. Lead researcher Prof Anne-Marie Minihane from the Norwich Medical School said: “There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK with this number set to soar to over 2 million by 2050. “While there are some drugs to help treat the symptoms of diseases like Alzheimer’s, the most common cause of dementia, there are no treatments that can stop or slow the spread of these diseases through the brain. “’That’s why it’s so important that we look at preventative measures such as changes to diet or other lifestyle factors, in order to retain brain vitality.”
Regarding the question about a ketogenic diet, a strict ketogenic diet has not been used or advocated in any of the trails mentioned here. My own experience is that it can be very useful for some people. They typically need more support. It can be quite challenging to follow and doesnt suit those who cant digest fats very well.
Here are some basic things I would advise everyone with pre-dementia or dementia to pay attention to providing they are ready to give it a try:
2/3 of every meal should be vegetables, especially the green leafy ones (raw, steamed or lightly cooked)
Consume protein in the form of meat from free range animals and free range eggs
For protein and good oils eat nuts, seeds and oily fish
Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates;
Reduce carbohydrates altogether
Avoid hydrogenated fats and refined vegetable oils
Avoid man-made fats like trans-fats
Consume plenty of good quality olive oil and other cold pressed oils and store them in a cold place
For cooking use cold pressed coconut oil, lard, ghee or butter
Avoid deep fried food, precooked meals, additives wherever possible
Use environmentally friendly cleaning products and toiletries, avoid artificial air fresheners
Remove mold in your home
Do regular exercise – minimum 20 mins 5 days a week
Enjoy nature
Socialise and learn new things
Pay attention to your sleep and ensure you get 8 hours a night
Stop consuming food at least 3 hours before bedtime
Eat a light evening meal
Main meals should be earlier in the day, not evening time
Engage in activities that make you happy, provide you with meaning and help you relax.
Any questions, just get in touch.
Thankyou, Anna, for your very detailed response.
[…] [Editors notes: Miller Caldwell became a full-time author in 2003 after a diagnosis of MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) necessitated retirement from his existing professional working life. He has written numerous books of different styles including novels, biographies, children’s books, self-help books and film scripts. Healthy Life Essex reviewed the wonderful delf-help book: Have You Seen My…Umm…Memory? in 2018. Miller also provides us with humurous, self-depreciating titbits for a An Interesting Coffee Time Read and has added his personal experience of memory loss issues to Anna Betz’s article Dementia can be prevented and it’s symptoms reversed.] […]
What an informative article! I have been interested to follow the systematic work of Dale Bredesen for a number of years; his trials with over 3000 people provide a basis of solid evidence for the effects of his protocol. Anna’s message is so important, that we really do need to reflect on our course and make some decisions about which way we want to go forward. While the focus of this article is on Alzheimer’s, the same message applies to so many modern diseases. If we can accept that diseases are a result of lifestyle we need to see that we can address the lifestyle and diet, to prevent or even reverse the course of these contemporary diseases. Anna’s dietary advice would serve most people well in the interests of optimising their health. Whilst it is frustrating that such an approach as Bredesen’s may not yet be adopted in NHS policy, we all have a right to exercise choice in our own lifestyle. Supportive diet and lifestyle choices need to be maintained for the benefits in addressing disease processes; as Anna points out, there is no quick fix. These diseases did not develop overnight and the role of modern diet and lifestyle is acknowledged in their development. Choices in diet and lifestyle need to be made, helping not only to address disease which has developed, but to prevent the disease process before it begins.
Jane Hickey Nutrition
Dear Jane, Thank you so much for your refreshing response. Changing ingrained habits which have become like a comfort zones is truly challenging for most people even if they are damaging. However, the good news is that there are some early adopters as the Bredesen research shows who are determined to try a more promising path and many of them really succeed in reversing their dementia symptoms. I just listened to a valuable podcast about sleep research and its relationship to brain health. It is well worth listening to for anyone with any chronic health issue including dementia and cancer. I hope this links works.
There are are growing number of very valuable free resources which all can contribute to the growing of our collective intelligence related to dementia prevention and treatment. There a free downloadable book called ‘The End of Alzheimers’ by Thomas Lewis Phd and Clement Trempe Phd. I cant upload the link to the pdf (461 pages) here but can email it to you if you are interested. my email address: It will require a collaborative, cross-disciplinary and compassionate approach supported by consistent dedication of some early adopter professionals as well as local and virtual communities to change the perceptions and assumptions about dementia and the course of treatment and prevention of the multi-system and multi-stage process condition known as dementia.
[…] Research continues to show that a huge percentage of people at risk of getting Alzheimer’s and dementia are the elderly. Traditionally, this has been thought to be an unavoidable part of the ageing process for many and nothing can be done to prevent its onset if one is predisposed to the condition. However, more recent research indicates that dementia [in seniors] can be prevented and its symptoms reversed. […]
[…] you know that you can reduce and even reverse the symptoms of dementia through lifestyle changes such as physical exercise, mental exercise, diet and […]
[…] It should also be remembered that our food and lifestyle choices can have a direct impact on preventing dementia and reversing its symptoms. […]
Alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Tree of Life Health clinic. It has made a tremendous difference for me I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others. ]