How can workplace wellness programmes improve the health of millennials?
What is a workplace wellness programme?
These programmes are run by employers to promote and encourage healthy behaviours among employees. They usually address three key aspects of our health – nutrition, fitness and mental health. This is typically achieved by making changes to the work environment and by engaging employees in health promotion activities (e.g. lunchtime exercise classes, nutrition courses etc.).
Millennial’s attitudes towards workplace wellness
33% of millennials would cite “well-being programmes and incentives” as one of their top priorities when considering a new job. Generally speaking, millennials tend to be more conscious of their health than older generations. Many younger employees view health and workplace performance as interdependent. In other words, if you are not healthy your work life will suffer and if your work life is not going well your health will suffer. As millennials are the largest group in the workforce, many employers have been forced to re-evaluate their wellness programmes to ensure that they appeal to this demographic.
Do your employers currently run any workplace wellness programmes? If they don’t, maybe you could make some appropriate suggestions? And of course, although it is millennials that mostly engage and drive forward the workplace wellbeing agenda, programmes introduced should be suitable for all ages!
What are the benefits of engaging with a workplace wellness program?
Adults spend between ⅓ – ½ of their waking hours at work or doing work-related activities, and so by encouraging healthy behaviour at work these programmes help to improve our overall health and lower the risk of sickness. What’s more, wellness programmes have been shown to boost morale and job satisfaction, thereby reducing stress and positively impacting your mental health. The combination of these factors may even result in lower personal healthcare costs.
Learn More about Workplace Wellness Programmes
If you are keen to learn more about how workplace health promotion programmes can affect your overall wellbeing, why not take a look at the below infographic from the team at Hussey Fraser.