At Healthy Life we have always felt that it very important that individuals have as much access to information about cancer as possible. We always recommend the CANCERactive web site for totally unbiased information.
There is also a great deal of information available at our libraries, and Southend Libraries have issued the following press release relating to a specific collection of books that are now available:
“We are pleased to announce that Southend Libraries have added four new Cancer Information Collections to Southend, Leigh, Thorpedene and Westcliff Libraries. Each collection contains a selection of books for adults about individual cancers, their treatment, how to cope and books to use with children.
Michael Scanes of Essex Cancer Support Network explained how the project started in 2004 as a joint venture between Mid Essex Cancer Network, Suffolk County Council and Essex County Council. He identified a gap in Southend and Thurrock and managed to secure funding from the Network to purchase the collections for Southend and Thurrock.
The new collections are an important addition to Southend Libraries, providing free information and resources to people throughout the community who need support.”
Tags: cancer information collection, canceractive, Essex Cancer Support. cancer information