The Best Natural Treatments for Neuropathy in Legs and Feet
Neuropathy is damage to the nervous system which means it doesn’t carry messages to the brain. Peripheral neuropathy develops when nerves in the body’s extremities such as the legs and feet are damaged, resulting in numbness and pain. It can be challenging to find the perfect natural treatment, but in this article, we’ll look at light therapy for neuropathy in legs and feet as well as other treatments and approaches that will help.
As with many conditions, considering lifestyle changes and complementary therapies are frequently a preferable solution to relying on powerful drugs prescribed by your GP for acute pain such as codeine, tramadol and buprenorphine which can cause addiction as well as many other side effects.
As blocked blood vessels, stress, and dehydration can lead to this numbness and pain, it is essential to exercise, follow a healthy diet, meditate regularly, and take appropriate vitamins that can reduce the symptoms and prevent pain. However, light therapy can be a lifesaver as it can vasodilate blood vessels.
Best Natural Solutions for Neuropathy in Legs and Feet
Numerous treatments claim that they work on neuropathy naturally. But which one is the best and most accurate that can work on peripheral neuropathy?
Physical activity is not limited to those looking to achieve the perfect physique! Performing appropriate activities can prevent peripheral neuropathy to regulate the blood flow in the legs and feet. Moreover, diabetes is the core reason for damaging nerves and research continues to show that type 2 diabetes can be controlled without medication.
Exercise can balance your blood flow and reduce the peripheral blood veins. It can help manage blood sugar due to unhealthy foods, dehydration and stress. Also, exercises can promote muscle toning, which can reduce neuropathy symptoms.
- Aerobics increases the heart rate, flexes your muscles, and fastens your breathing. It can work on you if you do this exercise for thirty minutes max.
- A seated Hamstring Stretch is best for flexing your muscles and strengthening them. You must try this twice daily if you are suffering from numbness and stiffness in your legs and feet.
- If you feel dizziness or weakness below the waist, you must exercise hip flexion as it can increase blood flow and help you balance your body.
Supplements and Vitamins
Lacking vitamins in the body can be the core reason for Peripheral Neuropathy. One of the necessary is Vitamin B, which supports the nervous system. And if you are suffering from vitamin B deficiency, it can damage the coating of nerves that protects them from dangerous toxins.
Moreover, you must add vitamin D to your meals, as it can reduce the pain in your body, especially your legs and feet. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight but doing autumn and winter months we do not get enough vitamin D from the sun. Additionally, many people are advised to take supplements throughout the year as vitamin D deficiency is increasing throughout the UK.
Also, vitamin B 1, 6, and 12 supplements can reduce neuropathic pain. Your GP may be able to prescribe some of these supplements.
Relaxing Body and Mind
Warm baths can help you reduce pain in your legs and feet. It can increase the blood flow in your veins, preventing numbness and aiding in treating Neuropathy. Moreover, applying heating pads can relax your veins too. You must avoid taking too much warm water bath, as it can damage your skin or give you rashes.
Neuropathy can be caused by stress, so you must relax your veins and body by trying meditation, deep breathing, and yoga to relax your body. It can help increase blood flow and oxygen levels.
Peripheral Neuropathy is caused by damaged and blocked blood vessels. It can inflame and swell the cells that are connected to blood vessels. Smoking is the major reason that pushes ample dangerous diseases and health issues.
To be healthy, you must quit smoking, as it can worsen the symptoms. It can affect blood circulation, as blood vessels don’t get enough oxygen and improper blood flow. That’s why most people experience numbness in their legs and feet.
Diet Changes
You can experience peripheral neuropathy because of diabetes. You must control your diet, which can help you decrease blood sugar levels. Sweets and junk food can lead to this disease, so you must change your daily meals and avoid binging.
Furthermore, fibre-rich foods and sufficient complex carbohydrates can help prevent increased blood sugar. You must consult a doctor and follow the instructions accordingly if you have diabetes.
Enrich your diet is rich in these foods will help fight neuropathy:
- Flaxseed oil reduces blood sugar and reduces cholesterol
- Walnuts can balance blood flow and provide you with various healthy benefits
- Fruits that are rich in fibre
- Avoid alcohol, as it can lead to numbness and weakness.
- Abandon sweets and highly sugary desserts.
How Can Light Therapy Help Neuropathy in Feet and Legs?
Many people suffer from chronic foot and leg conditions that are unbearably painful because of circulation blockage and inflammation. Light therapy is non-invasive and can increase your vessels’ blood flow and oxygen levels. It has light-emitting diodes that produce low-length waves that pass through the skin and absorb by the body.
This therapy can improve cellular metabolism, which reduces pain. It targets the red blood cells and blood vessels to release the nitric oxide that interacts through your skin. And it can aid in opening the blocked vessels that are causing pain and numbness.
Moreover, it can be a game changer if you suffer from pain due to poor blood flow. It improves blood flow and lessens the pain in the legs or feet. Moreover, this oxidic nitric vasodilation can stay a couple of hours after the therapy. And this therapy doesn’t have any side effects or raise pain during the procedure.
It is not harmful, so it can be applied at home, as multiple gadgets for light therapy are available. You can take this therapy four to five times a week or use it daily for faster improvements if you suffer from severe pain.
This therapy can gradually circulate the blood flow and work on the pain areas to prevent it. However, it can take weeks to show the results of curing the neuropathy symptoms. The symptoms can return, so you must constantly take this therapy according to the instructions.
The Bottom Line
Do avoid smoking and alcohol for faster results as these habits will undoubtedly worsen your condition. But following the above advice as well as embracing light therapy for neuropathy in legs and feet on a regular basis should help alleviate your condition as quickly as possible.