The dramatic change in mental health support services during these stressful times
COVID-19 may be a physical disease, but it is also leading to a rise in mental health problems around the world. But the pandemic has also impacted the traditional mental health support services we are used to turning to and need more than ever during these stressful times.
The current pandemic has been a huge cause of stress and anxiety for many people due to health concerns for themselves and loved ones, job uncertainty, loss of income, and many other struggles that most of us were not prepared for or expecting to happen at all.
Many people who ran successful businesses or had successful jobs and careers have found themselves completely out of work due to lockdowns and closures and are living off various benefits or whatever is left of their savings, while others are concerned that they may catch the virus and pass it on to a vulnerable family member in their home.
It is no surprise that mental health around the world is taking a nosedive in these stressful and uncertain times, with many people struggling to see any kind of positive side to the crisis at all.
According to the ONS (Office for National Statistics) rates of adults experiencing some form of depression have doubled during the pandemic, and one can only imagine that this statistic is likely to get even worse as we enter yet another lockdown.
But traditional mental health services have also suffered. Mental health charities such as MIND are dependent on fundraising activities to support their programs and, of course, these have come to almost a standstill. Similarly, staff are also affected by COVID restrictions and many have been furloughed. As far as the NHS is concerned, all services are pushed to breaking point and whilst everyone recognises the importance of supporting people with mental health issues, there just isn’t sufficient capacity available.
But the good news is that if anyone is struggling right now, they don’t have to go through it alone. There has been a dramatic change in mental health support services available during these stressful times and there now various support options people can turn to and get help with stress, anxiety, depression, and other problems that they might be facing as a result of the pandemic or, indeed, any other problems causing mental health issues.
Peer Support
Peer support is a great solution both for those who need help and those who want to spend their time supporting and being there for others during these times.
Hushley is a peer support app that is set to launch by the end of the year. Speaking to a peer support specialist can really help anybody who is having a hard time due to the current crisis, since peer support work typically attracts people who have been through tough times themselves and have a lot of empathy for the situations of others.
If you want to support a force for good during the current pandemic and help others out as much as you can, you may want to consider checking out Hushley. The company is currently looking for certified peers who can work anonymously and remotely using their app. It’s ideal for anybody who wants to choose their own hours of work with no set schedules to stick to. Learn more about this service by watching this video.
Video Counselling
Another great option for anybody who needs to talk to somebody during these tough times but is worried about leaving the house more than they need to, is video counselling.
Many therapists and mental health counsellors have switched their services to Zoom and other video calling platforms in order to ensure that they are able to continue supporting current clients and working with new ones during these stressful times.
The NHS suggests that talking therapies may be the same or more effective than medication.
Although, for many therapists, this new way of working was introduced as a reactive approach to pandemic social distancing requirements, this sort of counselling has proven so successful that it is likely to continue. But as with any health professional, do ensure you thoroughly check experience, qualifications and affiliation with appropriate professional bodies before committing to therapy sessions, whether online or not.
COVID-19 has led to new or increased symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and chronic stress and good mental health counsellors are in higher demand than ever before. If you are qualified as a therapist or counsellor but are not currently practicing, you might want to consider rejoining the profession to offer your services right now when they are needed the most.
Helpline Support Volunteering
With COVID-19 leading to more and more people in desperate situations, it’s no surprise that mental health helplines are getting a lot more attention than usual. Sadly, concerns for health, job losses, financial struggles, and all the other unexpected problems that suddenly accompanied COVID-19 have left many people feeling hopeless and despondent.
Suicide helplines are even more essential right now to provide a lifeline for people who may feel like they have no other choice and would benefit from having somebody who is willing to listen to their problems and remind them that life is still worth living.
If you have some spare time, you might want to consider volunteering for a mental health helpline and working as often the first point of contact for people who are in desperate situations. You can provide a listening ear to those who need it and offer valuable advice on healthier next steps to take, such as referring your callers to mental health counselling services in their area. You could start, perhaps, by contacting the Samaritans and find out more about becoming a listening volunteer.
Mental Health Blogging
Have you ever read somebody else’s story and been able to relate to it? If the success stories of others who have managed to overcome mental health problems have been a source of inspiration to you, you’ll know just how powerful being open and honest about your situation can be.
Mental health blogging can not only be a great way for you to talk about your own situation and get your thoughts out there, but it can also provide a great source of support to others who need it.
Starting a mental health blog is easy with various services that you can use such as WordPress that allow you to get set up free of charge. You can share personal stories, tips that have worked well for you, or a combination of both. If you prefer, you may consider sharing your stories as a vlog, which you can start on YouTube.
And, of course, you could always contact us as, at Healthy Life Essex, we are always very happy to share genuine. stories that can help someone better understand how to cope with their own issues.
Social Media Support Groups
Finally, with the current crisis affecting people from all walks of life and from all around the world, we are seeing more and more support groups cropping up on social media to help others overcome their situations.
You may find a social media group that has been set up to help people in the area with practical support such as finding food or household goods, or groups where people can vent about what they are going through. There are tons of groups on Facebook designed to help people get through mental health problems in general or to help those with specific issues such as anxiety, depression, or heightened stress levels.
Joining these groups gives you a chance to make new friends and offer advice and support where needed, but bear in mind that they are usually unofficial and not moderated by mental health professionals.
Your local volunteer centre may be able to advise on well-run social media support groups available in your area.
Community Volunteering
There are various situations that can lead to a deterioration in one’s mental health, and right now, we are seeing an increase in poverty and low incomes due to many people being unable to work because of the coronavirus.
Those who worked in the entertainment, hospitality, catering, and wedding industries, for example, might be struggling to find work due to the decreased demand for these services right now. Anybody who worked in an industry that relied on large groups of people gathering together may have found themselves in a precarious situation right now particularly when it comes to finances.
This has led to a greater need for community support groups that provide help with essentials such as food and household goods. If you want to support people with their mental health by offering practical support, it might be worth seeing what is available in your area through churches and support groups that provide food and other essentials to those in need. You can help in various ways whether you volunteer your time, donate money, or donate foods and goods to be distributed to those who need it the most.
As mentioned previously, you can find your local volunteer centre via the NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) website. The centre will be able to advice on support groups available you could join and/or how you can become a community volunteer.
Those who are struggling during the current crisis have various services and support options to choose from. Whether you want to get help or give help, you are not alone during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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