How is CBD Oil useful for good mental health?
2020 has been rather like a nightmare we never want to have. But the flip side of a scary dream is invariably the dream and the fear has totally dissipated as soon as we open our eyes. Unfortunately, the intimidating part about the year 2020 is, it is not a horrifying dream but a frightening reality we have to live in for goodness knows how long.
It seems that very few people have managed to escape the impacts of the pandemic, and for many the situation is impacting their mental health. And it seems there will be no escape from this living nightmare for the foreseeable future. First, the petrifying introduction to COVID-19 almost jammed our ability to see the positive side of the picture and then the lockdown added increasing levels of stress.
More and more people are complaining of psychological issues and there has been a clear increase in people presenting with mental disorders.
Thankfully, amidst such chaos, there is a comparative newcomer to help us better cope with the crisis and that is CBD oil. Of course, CBD oil is not actually a new product, but it is only in recent years that CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol, has been widely available for mainstream use in the UK.
If you are thinking of purchasing CBD oil and/or looking for information about cbd oil products, it is important to ensure the quality of the product. If you are purchasing online, we recommend using a company such as CIBDOL that is registered with one of the UK Cannabis Trade Associations.
New legislation is also being introduced into the UK from April 2021 to protect the consumer.
In this article, we will throw a little light on how CBD Oil is useful for good mental health.
1- Decreases social anxiety disorders
Proven by research, daily doses of CBD oil can cure your symptoms of social anxiety. According to the research, a few participants were given a capsule of CBD oil before confronting public speaking and this relieved them of their anxiety and helped them speak better.
In another study, 47 adults were given daily doses of CBD oil for continuously 3-months and it rapidly helped them get rid of the anxiety making their life smoother for the longer term.
2- Cannabidiol helps the brain react to serotonin in a better way
Low serotonin levels may lead to increased depression.
CBD oil does not directly increase serotonin levels in the human brain, but it does affect how the brain responds to serotonin receptors in a way that is more compatible with lowering the depression rate.
3- Helps decrease sleep difficulties
The NHS confirms that one in three people suffer from lack of sleep which puts them at risk of serious medical conditions such as obesity, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and depression.
Since CBD oil has a calming effect, it has promising results on the sleep cycles of the users. As per a study, 65% users claim they now have a better sleep with daily usage of 25mg of CBD oil.
4- Reduces PTSD symptoms
Many people experience traumatic events at some time in their life. These events may be something that has happened directly to them or something horrific they have witnessed.
It is now estimated that 1 in 3 people who have a traumatic experience suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) which means they often relive these events in nightmares, flashbacks and uninvited thoughts and depression.
CBD oil assists in decreasing these symptoms allowing the user to experience a healthier, more stable life according to a study published in the Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine.
It should be noted that CBD products are not the same as medical cannabis. CBD will not get you high because it does not contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol.) In the UK, whilst CBD oils are readily available, only are a very limited number of people can obtain medical cannabis on prescription.
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1 Comment
Definitely yes :-))) CBD oil is in some way a miracle I would say.. I could recommend to everyone: