We at Citizens Advice Southend are pleased to announce the return of the Big Energy saving project for 2019/20. For the next 6 months, Citizens Advice Southend will be running a one-stop energy advice clinic at the Hub Southend in the Victoria Shopping Centre
Every Tuesday our Energy champion Sam Daniels will be seeing clients and trying to save Southend residents as much as possible on their gas and electric. We will be looking at people’s problem bills, doing a switch check to see if money can be saved there, applying for grants and also looking at local eco funding for home improvements and insulation.
Saving you money on your energy bills
Particularly at this time of year people should not be choosing between heating and eating and we will do our best to help as many vulnerable clients as possible during this period. In our previous project we saved Southend residents over £25,000.
Energy prices are on the rise and have been for years and the trend looks set to continue. Plus, of course, in 2024 we are now in the middle of a cost of living crisis. With this in mind, click this link for 101 ways to save money!
Check your bills
Checking your bills might sound obvious but check and recheck your bills. Are you in credit? Is your Direct Debit too high? Can you save more by setting up a direct debit? And most importantly… Are you being billed correctly?
Switch suppliers
Switching suppliers is generally by far the biggest saving to customers and it only takes around four minutes to switch. If you want to switch but you are not sure how or would like to talk through the options why not book an appointment with our Energy Team.
Winter Fuel Payments
The Winter Fuel Payment is an annual one-off payment to help you pay for heating during the winter. Anyone born on or before 5 January 1953 can get it, if you live in the UK or another eligible country. For more information visit the Gov.uk website
Warm home discount
You might be able to get £140 off your electricity bill under the Warm Home Discount Scheme if you’re either getting the guarantee credit part of Pension Credit or you are on a low income. Check with your Energy supplier to see if they offer the Warm Home Discount – not all suppliers are part of the scheme.
If you’ve applied for the Warm Home Discount but you switch supplier before you get the payment, you have to apply again with your new supplier. Your new supplier might have different rules about who gets the discount. This doesn’t affect you if you get the discount automatically, without having to apply. To find out more visit Gov.uk
Grants to help pay off your energy debts
If you’re in debt to your energy supplier, you might be able to get a grant from a charitable trust to help pay it off.
The following energy companies offer grants and schemes that are open to anyone – you don’t have to be a custome
◊ British Gas Energy Trust ◊ EDF Energy Trust ◊ EON Energy Fund ◊
To book an appointment please phone the Citizens Advice Bureau on (01702 456352) and ask for an Energy appointment. Please note your appointment will be at the Southend Hub in the Victoria shopping centre on a Tuesday.
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