How to increase your daily water intake in summer
As you head to the hottest months of summer, you cannot ignore the importance of hydration. Hydration is necessary for the wellbeing and survival of all human beings. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink enough water every day since your body does not store water. This inevitably becomes even tougher during the summer when the weather is hot. Therefore, you need to increase your daily water intake to stay hydrated.
The eight glasses of water a day rule may be effective at other times but not during summer when the weather is hot, hot, hot! And this year, forecasters are predicting sizzling hights to match and even possibly exceeds last year’s scorcher here in the UK.
To make sure you stay hydrated during those hot months, the amount of your water intake should be higher than the amount of water your body is losing. Do ensure you have access to a bottle filled with fresh, clean water wherever you go. It is not only the amount of water which is a crucial element for your health but also the quality of the same. A starting point, therefore, is to ensure you have really good quality filtered water available in your home, so why not do a little bit of research and consider what best whole house water filters 2019 are recommended to ensure you get the best possible water readily available in every part of your house?
And of course, using your own water supply and filling your own water bottles for use throughout the day is far more cost effective and also more evnironmentally friendly than purchasing plastic water bottles.
Below are some further effective ways to ensure you consume enough water every day.
Start your day with water
The best way to start your day is by drinking a glass of warm water. You can also add some freshly squeezed lemon or orange to add some taste if you like. Such a routine will have a great impact on your overall health. It will also boost your metabolism and control your weight.
Drink water before every meal
This is another healthy way to increase your water intake during summer. Make it a routine to ensure you drink a glass of water 30 minutes before every meal or snack, including breakfast. Plus, make sure you increase your water consumption by drinking more water 45 minutes after a meal. This will also reduce the pressure on your intestine.
Eat your water
Yes, you read it right. You can also eat your water and still stay hydrated during the hot weather. Here, increase your intake of fruits and veggies high in water content such as tomatoes, watermelons, cucumbers, celery, green peppers, cauliflower, and spinach. These are easily accessible and effective alternatives of fluids that your body requires to stay hydrated.
Set a timer
There is no need to stay without consuming enough water during summer because you forgot to take care of yourself. This might sound silly, but it happens especially if you are running tons of errands or juggling job responsibilities and by the time you experience the urge to drink water, you are already feeling weak and faint.
You can set your reminder on either your computer or smartphone depending with the one that works for you. You can also install an app that will guide you on your water intake. This way, you will take regular water breaks and stay hydrated. However, you can also keep a BPA free water bottle to store your clean drinking water without having harmful plastics in your drink. It would also be helpful in reminding you to drink water much often.
Say no to those carbonated drinks
Every time you feel the urge to drink a carbonated drink such as soda, take a moment and think about all the negative effects that come with these unnatural sweeteners. Then think of all the benefits that water brings to your body. Water will not only quench your thirst, but it will also nourish your body among other countless benefits.
Hopefully, the above ways will help you consume more water during summer and stay hydrated. Don’t forget that the benefits of drinking water in summer are immense. Water is the best hydrating and healthy drink one can consume any time. For you to be active during summer months and enjoy all those outdoor activities, your water consumption should be high. This way, your body will be energetic throughout.