Tips To Help Your Teen Stay Safe, Happy And Healthy
Parenting a teen is no easy job. Despite wanting to care for them and keep them on a good path, teenagers are naturally rebellious and resistant to parental influence. Helping teens stay safe and healthy is naturally an essential part of your parental duties, and there are several different ways to help steer them along the right path.
We hope you find these tips helpful.
Encouraging Balanced Nutrition and Physical Activity
Whatever age you are, eating a balanced diet is important for keeping your body in good condition. Because teens are still growing, the focus on their diet should be higher in protein and carbohydrates than that of a fully grown adult. And, of course, we should never forget about essential nutrients that a balanced diet righ in fruit, veg and wholegrains can provide.
Try getting your teen involved in meal planning for the week. This is a great way to think about balanced meals without it being an obvious teachable moment.
While getting teens to eat lots of veg can sometimes be challenging, a colourful Mediterranean diet can often look attractive enough to entice them.
An increasing number of teens are also keen to embrace Vegan and Vegetarian lifestyles. Do be supportive if this is the case and help them understand the special steps they need to take to ensure they are sufficiently nourished.
Exercise is important too. The stereotype is that teenagers want to spend all day inside on their computers and whilst some do, many have sports as hobbies.
Encourage them to attend sports sessions as well as practice at home. If you are struggling, suggest going for a walk as a family to get everyone out in the fresh air.
Promoting Mental Wellbeing And Resilience
There has been a noticeable rise in the number of young people suffering from mental health issues including anxiety and depression.
Open communication about emotions and issues is the best way to spot any signs of decline in your child. Keep an eye out for signs such as a continuous low mood, irritability and anything that seems out of the ordinary for them. If you are worried, speak to your GP for advice.
You could introduce stress-management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation or journaling. This will really come in handy around particularly stressful periods such as exam season.
Establishing Personal Hygiene And Skincare Routines
As hormones come out in full force, what has been a simple hygiene routine for kids may suddenly need adjusting. Your offspring must understand the importance of daily washing, oral care and personal grooming. Not only does this keep them healthy, but it prevents any nastiness at school.
Acne is the bane of many teenagers’ lives, so help them establish a solid routine with skincare products designed with teenagers in mind. It doesn’t have to be fancy or costly, but do remember it may take some trial and error to discover what is right for their skin.
Navigating Social Media And Screen Time
Social media and screen time in general is a contentious issue for parents of children of all ages. It is a particularly important aspect of helping teens stay safe and healthy
There is no doubt that too much social media leads to mental health issues, self-image issues and exposure to inappropriate materials if it is left unmonitored. Decreasing your teens reliance on digital devices is crucial.
Education is key to ensuring teens are safe online. Continuous conversation about sensitive topics allows them to bring anything they have seen to you and get help on how to deal with it.
You can also take a family approach and implement “no screen time” periods where everyone puts their devices away and focuses on in-person connections. Walking the talk is always the most effective way to emphasise safe and healthy habits.