The Pros & Cons: How Does Vaping Affect Your Health?
Over 2.7 million adults in the UK use vapes. Vapes last longer, create more smoke, and come with every possible flavour; there is no surprise they became so popular so fast. But how does vaping affect your health?
Vapes have been particularly helpful in assisting cigarette smokers to quit. Even the trained advisers at the local NHS Stop Smoking Services provide support to people who would like to try the vaping route to stop smoking, although the products are not available on the NHS.
It is considered that vapes are not as dangerous as cigarettes and easily satisfy nicotine cravings without causing as much harm to health as tobacco. That is no doubt true, but vaping is a comparatively new phenomenon and although there are ongoing studies to assess the impact of vaping, it is still difficult to get a scientific analysis of the long-term impacts of vaping on health.
Although e-cigarettes and other vaping devices don’t contain tar or carbon monoxide (which is why they are generally considered safe), the e-liquid used does contain all sorts of different chemicals and some studies do suggest there is a risk factor for respiratory disease, albeit much less so than smoking cigarettes.
Here we have addressed some of the benefits and side effects to give a more balanced view of how vaping may affect your health.
Vapes Allow You to Controls Nicotine Intake
You can adjust the amount of nicotine with vaping to control its consumption. Different flavours are available in the market with different amounts of nicotine present in it. You can select the amount of nicotine according to your need or use nicotine-free flavours.
Many people trying to stop smoking cigarettes start by using products with a high amount of nicotine initially and then gradually decrease the levels with the passage of time until they start nicotine free vapes.
Vaping Can Help You Lose Weight
Vaping can help reduce body weight by increasing the resting metabolic rate. Vapes might come with liquids of different flavours, but they do not support fat or weight increase in any way. Smoking suppresses appetite, which makes you weak and people think they are losing weight. However, you might gain four to five kilograms of weight within a year of quitting cigarettes.
The nicotine in vapes can also suppress appetite like cigarettes, but you will not feel the need to consume anything sweet and it will not be harmful to the health of the vaper. This means you can lose weight from vaping if you have a sensible diet.
Vapes Provide Instant Satisfaction
Vaping is a fun activity that you can do while working, travelling, or talking. It’s also considered a fun thing to do with friends. The dense smoke with a sweet scent of flavour adds to the aesthetic appeal of an environment.
In addition to that, vape provides instant satisfaction to its consumers.
Nicotine releases dopamine and serotonin that make you feel pleasure. This means that people feel good when they vape thanks to happy hormones produced in their brains.
Vaping Can Burn Your Mouth and Lips
When you start vaping daily, your mouth and lips may be affected quite badly initially. Vapes have an electric charge and excessive use, especially in the preliminary stages of use, is likely to cause this problem. It makes your mouth dry, which can cause bad breath and mouth sores. It may reduce your gums and weaken your teeth.
Vape smoke directly goes to the lungs and damages them. Bigger vapes make more dense smoke and resultantly, damage your lungs more. Initially, when you start vaping, it will cause cough and mouth sores. Sometimes, that cough can cause other issues such as fever and headaches too.
Vaping Might Lead to Heart Issues
We all know too much nicotine is harmful to our health. Most vapes contain nicotine which can affect the heart muscles. It raises the flow of blood which might cause blood pressure problems. Moreover, it can raise your heartbeat abnormally. The chances of heart attack can increase with excessive vaping.
Although chances are only slightly higher compared to a person that does not smoke or vape, one should be aware of how it affects our cardiovascular system.
Final Thoughts
If you have been wondering how vaping affects your health, it is clear there are both positive and negative impacts. It provides some satisfaction, but it also takes a toll on your body. There is no denying that it’s a much better alternative to smoking tobacco but too much of anything is bad. Make sure you keep its usage in check while also maintaining a good diet and healthy lifestyle.