Did you know that the right food can boost our immune systems and help improve our autumn health?
Preparing ourselves both mentally and physically is important to keeping well in the colder months ahead. If we understand the gut-brain connection, we realise that mental conditions are rooted in physical health, and our mental state affects our physical health. Our daily diet has a profound influence on both and the right food can help improve our autumn health, particularly our immune systems, which is more important than ever during the current coronavirus pandemic.
In this article, Marlene Watson-Tara, author of the definitive vegan cookbook Go Vegan, gives her tips on the sort of foods we should be eating to help keep well over the coming months.
Dietary tips: food for autumn health
Boosting the immune system at this time of year can help maintain health during the cold days ahead when we are particularly vulnerable to viruses such as flu and coronavirus. The right foods can help improve our autumn health and keep us fighting fit.
The corresponding organs for autumn are the lungs and large Intestine. The lungs expel carbon dioxide, and the large intestine eliminates solid residue. If this waste is not eliminated frequently it can have an effect on the skin. The bowel is one of the most important routes of elimination for self-cleansing and works together with the kidneys, bladder, lungs and skin to help eliminate waste efficiently from the body. Selecting the right foods to aid this process is crucial.
Fermented vegetables are the perfect food to replenish the good bacteria in your gut and support your immune system. You can choose from an array of beautifully coloured vegetables to ferment, such as cabbage, carrots and cucumber. The salt and water solution known as brine is used to protect against the growth of microorganisms that would lead to rotting and promote the growth of the good bacteria ‘lactobacilli.’ It’s important to use the correct ratio of salt to water otherwise the fermentation process won’t happen.
Lacto-fermented vegetables are cultured vegetables. Sauerkraut, kim chi, and sour dill pickles are all forms of lacto-fermentation and are simple to make. Traditionally lacto-fermentation was used to preserve the harvest and store vegetables for the winter. If you have a garden full of cabbage, cauliflower, beetroots, carrots, and green beans and don’t know how to store them all, consider making a few batches of lacto-fermented vegetables. These can be stored in your refrigerator for months.
If you are dealing with multiple allergies, chances are your gut is out of balance and is in need of a daily dose of beneficial microorganisms.
Some food suggestions for autumn
Pungent is the taste associated with the autumn season, the pungent taste gives off a hot, dispersing energy and is said to be beneficial to the lungs and colon. Pungent foods have been known to stimulate blood circulation. In most culinary cuisines, they are commonly combined with foods high in fat. These foods include spring onions, daikon radish (or dried daikon), ginger, peppers, garlic, onions, wasabi (dry mustard) and horseradish.
However, do remember that an excess of these pungent foods can irritate the intestines.
Herbs and spices
Thyme is a great culinary herb for the autumn season. It is often used in teas to help ease bronchitis and other respiratory complaints. The tea can also be used as a gargle to soothe sore throats and coughs.
Lotus root is also an excellent tea for chest and throat ailments.
Echinacea has active compounds that can help to reinforce the body’s own defence mechanism and is well known for its ability to accelerate recovery from infections, colds and flu.
Don’t over-eat
One of the features of healthy societies is that they relax at meals and don’t overeat.
In modern culture, food is often eaten on the run. We get used to eating quickly to fit lunch or breakfast into a busy schedule, and as a result, don’t chew properly.
When we stop moving, sit and relax we digest food more efficiently and convert blood sugars for long-term storage. These functions of the parasympathetic nervous system do not function when the mind is anxious.
General Considerations
Whilst eating the right food for autumn health is essential, it isn’t the only consideration.
As autumn approaches our motivation to exercise is less apparent. It is, however, important to continue to stretch out the muscles of the body and get plenty of exercise, particularly in the fresh air if possible.
Vegan recipe ideas for autumn health
Saffron Scented Vegetable Tagine with Herbed Couscous
As a vegan and healthy living expert with over 40 years’ experience, Marlene is passionate about transforming lives through a healthy plant-based diet. She highlights that a diet based on whole food plants will prevent many illnesses, maintain a good physical condition, and change lives, all backed up with science. She is a graduate of T. Colin Campbell Centre for Nutrition in New York and an expert in her field on plant-based nutrition. Her dietary advice draws from the fields of Macrobiotic Nutrition, her studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine and her certification in plant-based nutrition. Marlene teaches alongside her husband Bill Tara and they have graduates of their Health Coach Programme in 27 countries.
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[…] Watson-Tara, author of Go Vegan, includes the Sesame Adzuki Bean Burger in her Foods for Autumn Health recipe suggestions as adzuki beans are rich in nutrients, such as fibre, protein and manganese. […]
very good article I love it really very good guide in this situation to boost the immunity thank you
A healthy diet may contain fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and includes little to no processed food and sweetened beverages. The requirements for a healthy diet can be met from a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods…
I appreciate your efforts in writing such a detailed and informative post.
High quantities of anti-oxidants containing foods are helpful for healthy diet.