We need to deal with the root cause of vandalism!
I accept that dealing with the root cause of vandalism is easier said than done. But the mindless vandalism seems to be getting worse. Perhaps you have some thoughts on what is needed? Do please give us some feedback and let’s get the community talking about this and perhaps seeing how we can work together to make a difference.
This isn’t our normal sort of HLE post, but I felt so incensed by three separate incidents I heard about today, I felt compelled to put pen to paper and ask for your help, both in terms of general ideas and, perhaps, with specific information about any of the events. In particular, as below, the perpetrators of the damage at the community gardens in Shoebury are likely to black smears on their clothes…….
Like many people, I avoid much of the news. We do get the Echo, but Mike tends to read it, not me. But this morning I picked the paper up and couldn’t miss the headlines:
On Sunday evening, arsonists set light to one of the birdwatching hides on Two Tree Island, Leigh-on-Sea. Fortunately, a couple noticed the fire soon enough for the fire brigade to prevent the fire spreading. but it could have been a great deal worse. Ironically, the couple were visiting the area with the intention of capturing a beautiful sunset. Instead, the skies were assaulted by billowing smoke.
A little later this morning, I checked my emails and saw a post on Facebook: someone had left out a solid chest of drawers out on their front garden with an invitation for it to be taken.
Instead, it was vandalised.
But it was a press release I received about the third incident that finally triggered this blog.
The damage took place by three youths, aged about 15-17 years. They were slim and wearing hoodies, tracksuit trousers and trainers and entered the premises at 8.55 pm.
They may have gone home with black smears on their clothes from the anti-climb paint that has been put on the garden’s fences since the last break-in. CCTV images indicate that the three youths may be the same as those that last attacked the garden on 3rd December last year, irreparably damaging wooden structures at the community garden.
If you know anything about the perpetrators, please contact Trust Links on 01702 213134 or the Police on 101. .
The vandalism to the garden included flooding the polytunnel, smashing pots, breaking a tree, damaging the duck house on the wildlife pond and damaging seedlings planted by school children from Friars Primary School. The charity estimates the damage to be about £500, but more importantly the cost is to the morale of the people that enjoy and benefit from the tranquillity and positive benefits of coming to the garden each week, including adults with mental health issues, local children and families.

Matt King, Chief Executive of Trust Links, said:
“We are all upset by this further damage to the Growing Together Shoeburyness community garden. The project benefits so many different groups locally including adults with mental health problems and learning disabilities, a women’s group, youth groups, school groups, families and toddlers. Damage such as this means resources are diverted from our important work with vulnerable children and adults from the local area.”
Trust Links is appealing for donations to help fix the garden, which can be made via their website www.trustlinks.org or by texting TRUSTLINKS to 70085 to donate £5