Smart Watches: Wearable Tech that Improves Your Health

Everything in our lives is becoming more connected every day. We have smart homes, smart roads, smartphones, and more recently, smart watches. These devices are not just helpful for telling the time – we have enough gadgets that can do that already – they can also be beneficial for our health, too.
Products like the Apple Watch and Fitbit are just some of the examples of the technology on offer and many people have embraced them with the goal of improving their lives. Aside from being a nifty piece of wearable tech, they also come with many features that can help you start your journey towards a healthier and happier life.
Step Counter
It is said that you need to complete at least 5,000 steps per day. Having a built-in pedometer in your smart watch removes much of the incomplete data issues that come with having a similar app on your phone where it might not always be on your person.
With a watch, you can guarantee that you will be wearing it all day, ensuring the most accurate data collection to help you understand how many or how few steps you are taking each day.
General Fitness
Wearers can also take advantage of the services contained within the device during workouts. Smart watches and similar fitness trackers like those found at Tic Watches can help track your resting heart rate through a built-in heart monitor and compare it to your heart rate following a workout. They can also provide workout reminders to ensure that you never miss a run or trip to the gym again.
This kind of addition makes smart watches act as more of a fitness buddy than a piece of wearable tech. Everyone is starting to focus more and more on their general health and therefore anything that is designed to make such focus easier will be welcomed and embraced.
Data Analysis
By inputting your weight and height into supported apps, smart watches can analyse your performance during the day and provide feedback. While the processing power of the watch itself may not be strong enough (yet) to complete detailed analysis, using the associated apps can provide you with information about how to improve your workout and lifestyle for the best results.
Daily Goals
We all go to sleep at night believing that tomorrow we will achieve this or that or whatever else our mysteriously motivated brains convince ourselves as we’re heading to bed. In the morning, whether that motivation remains is an entirely different story……..
The inclusion of a daily goal setting, whether it calories burned, water drank or kilometres ran, works to keep you motivated and, depending on how well you reach your goals, you can look to increase such ambitions or alternatively, strive to try harder.
Many people believe that they can get by with just a few hours sleep each day, but this is something that will eventually catch up with you. Many smart watches contain a built-in sleep tracker that monitors your movements to determine how much sleep you are getting each night.
With this, you can start making changes to your sleep habits to ensure you get enough hours sleep, which will have remarkable effects on your energy levels, self-esteem and physical health.
Smart Watch, Smart Life
If you are serious about improving your health but struggling with the motivation to get started, then a smart watch could be the solution for you. Getting into the groove of a consistent routine is the hardest part but with all of the tech options available now, that first step has become that much less daunting.
Article by Dumitru Midon on behalf of Tic Watches