Biodynamics is an alternative form of agriculture; similar to organic but embracing esoteric concepts thus embrasing a holistic, ecological and ethical approach to farming, food and nutrition. This is an approach that can be adopted if you have a large farm, a small holding, an allotment or even a window box! If you would like to find out more, Lauriston Farm is running an Introduction to Biodynamics course starting in January 2018. This is a Seven Day course, starting in January and running for one day a month until June.
Lauriston Farm is a wonderful community supported agriculture initiative that has been certified biodynamic since 2010. The team have almost 80 years of biodynamics experieince between them.
Each day will start with a morning of theory with practical application in the afternoon using the whole of the farm for the greatest experience. There will also be some artistic activies on route!
For more information email: