Healthy Life Essex is delighted to introduce you to James Poet, the Vegan Maestro. James will provide regular blogs with an insight in to his version of a vegan lifestyle. Let’s start with his story:
The Vegan Maestro, was re-born in March 2016. Six months prior to that I relied on fish as my primary source of protein. But the Pescatarian Maestro doesn’t have the same ring to it…
Gut and bowel problems
For years I had suffered from a bowel problem that became increasingly debilitating. The regularity of attacks and perpetual fear of them became life destroying. Regular trips to the so called medical professionals resulted mainly in fingers and cameras inserted in the holiest of holies. Results were often inconclusive but the consensus was I had IBS / Ulcerative Colitis or maybe Crohn’s. One day while sitting opposite the resident bowel expert I asked, “Is there not a diet that will help?” the response… “You can Google Fodmap“. Funny, doctors generally don’t like it when you Google symptoms but apparently the internet is a reliable source when it comes to nutrition.
It wasn’t long before I found some documentaries on Netflix, the first that springs to mind is FoodMatters. And everything changed.
A corrupt world
The corruption, misinformation, immorality, and relentless pursuit of profits regardless of the costs by corporations and industry, although not a total shock, was still profoundly sinister. I was angry and upset not only that the truth was hidden in such a deceitful and malevolent way but that I was responsible for so much cruelty in my life up to that point.
Although my reverence for a plant based diet was germinating at an alarming rate. I still ate salmon. It wasn’t long however when one evening I caught a glimpse of an advert for a fishing program. I watched in horror as the most magnificent, majestic fish was pulled up out of a hole in a boats hull by its gills and, as the crane slowly wrenched the innocent being from the water, I heard the blood thirsty cheers from humans that were spectating this barbaric event. I said to myself right then, “Well there it is. Looks like we are going vegan!”
Did you know that the World Health Organisation (WHO) certified processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen, the same group as tobacco and plutonium, due to evidence of links to bowel cancer among other diseases?
Please sign the BAN PROCESSED MEAT IN SCHOOLS petition registered with Change.Org
The body building vegan
I had always trained and was grateful for my genetic capacity for physical activity. I had competed in body building when I was 18 winning a place at the British Finals but since then just trained for my own enjoyment and vanity. Initially I was keen to compete again but this time as a vegan, standing on stage next to meat eaters and be another example that veganism is not a sacrifice and there is no compromise. We can thrive. But I chose not to compete as I didn’t want to incorporate the other elements needed to be a competing bodybuilder.
Becoming an activist
But I couldn’t sit idly by while my fellow humans polluted themselves and the planet and were, unbeknown to them, complicit in the torture and murder of innocent animals who wanted to live. So, it became apparent quite early on that activism was to be an integral part of my vegan diet.
So here I am. A tattooed alpha meathead that happens to be a vegan. My health is back to 100% with no bowel problems at all, due entirely from a vegan diet and drinking at least 5 litres of water a day. I am a PT, training coach and mentor who works exclusively with vegans and those that want to transition into veganism. I am an activist and am passionate about promoting positive change. “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Never a truer word said.
I strongly believe that a vegan lifestyle can be the most holistically rewarding choice in terms of the having a positive impact on your health, your ethics, your planet and your soul.
Over the years of training I have developed own approach. The core of which is intuition, Mind over Matter, and consistency.
I am honoured to be the ‘resident vegan’ for Healthy Life Essex and am looking forward to downloading my thoughts and perspective onto the internet. I am not arrogant enough to suggest that my way is the right way or the only way, its working for me and I am delighted that i am able to share my approach with others with whom it may resonate.
For every person that turns vegan, 200 lives are saved annually. That’s my mission, to sow seeds of compassion and hope that they propagate into vegans.
Much Love
James Poet is the The Vegan Maestro. He is the owner of Living Life on the Veg Fitness, helping individuals transition into veganism and improve levels of fitness by providing personal training and dietary advice, with 24/7 support.
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[…] Read about my journey into veganism here. […]