The New Cosmetic Craze: Penis Fillers, Are They Safe?
Over the last few decades, people across the UK – and indeed, the world – have become more and more obsessed with size. Specifically, penis size.
This is most commonly rooted in the rise of online pornographic media. According to recent statistics, half of all UK adults watch porn, with 36% of men stating that they watch it at least once a week, with 13% stating that they watch it every day.
This means that half of the country is consistently being fed an image of “perfection”. The average penis size of a male pornstar is around 8 inches, while the average erect penis in Britain is five-and-a-half inches. Having a penis that doesn’t align with society’s new expectations has subsequently led to low confidence, self-esteem, and a rise in a new cosmetic craze: penile fillers. But are penis fillers safe? And is this aesthetic procedure a sensible option?
What Are Penis Fillers?
The trend of penis fillers has been growing in the UK. When it comes to the professional process, they often involve a combination of PRP and fillers that increase the size and girth of the penis by taking platelets from the blood and putting them into the centrifuge to remove red blood cells – for more information on penis fillers in the UK click here.
The effects of the procedure can then last from one to two years, and according to those who have had the injection, it is known to help not only with self-esteem but also with health defects like erectile dysfunction symptoms and sexual performance anxiety.
Are Penis Fillers Safe?
But whilst there are a number of success stories, the question of safety has also been more heavily criticised. For instance, there are those who have developed complications, specifically with more permanent fillers such as Paraffin and Silicone. The side effects of fillers like Silicone include infections, swelling, blood vessel blockages and even nerve tissue damage.
At Healthy Life Essex, we would always advise against any type of cosmetic procedure that isn’t absolutely necessary because of the risks involved, and because we believe people should be comfortable in their own skin without feeling the need to conform to perceived expectations of looks and, this case, size.
Social media has many benefits, but it can also cause a great deal of stress by continually portraying a level of perfection in looks, lifestyle and achievements that is completely unrealistic for most people.
Sometimes there may be underlying factors such as erectile dysfunction or a general lack of confidence that trigger the desire for aesthetic procedures. If the latter is the case, counselling may be a better first option. It’s always better to deal with the cause rather than taking the ‘sticking plaster’ approach that may be risky and may not last for very long.
It is important to note, in this case, that there are always risks with cosmetic procedures like this. For people going to practitioners who are not experienced, those risks are magnified, especially if the fillers they are using are permanent or have a history of being unsafe in the long term.
Alleviating the risks, therefore, comes through having the procedure with an experienced practitioner. These practitioners will talk the patient through the procedure as a whole – before, during and after – and ensure that they understand the potential side effects and risks. More importantly, they will be using penis fillers that are safe and trusted, taking into account both the results and the safety of the procedure itself.
The Bottom Line
The question of whether penis fillers are safe, therefore, is dependent partly on the professionals who are behind the injection.
Penis fillers cannot exactly be labelled as “unsafe”, but similarly, they cannot be labelled as “safe”, especially with the number of so-called professionals out there who are looking to take advantage of insecurities and medical needs – such as erectile dysfunction or impregnation chances – for profit.
In the future, hopefully, the risks involved with penis fillers will be more widely acknowledged, leading people to make more informed decisions and – most importantly – ensure they are choosing an expert practitioner who will do everything in their power to minimise the risks and maximise the reward.