Improve Your Health In 2023 With These Quick Tips
It’s that time of the year when people make their resolutions for the twelve months ahead, and perhaps yours is to be healthier this year. That’s a great thing to have in mind, and no matter what your thoughts are on how well resolutions actually work, if you want to be healthy, there are a number of things you can do. With that in mind, here are some quick tips to improve your health. Start the year off right and, ideally, end it the same way. Read on to find out more.
Eat More Cruciferous Vegetables
You’ll be forgiven if you’ve never heard of cruciferous vegetables, as it’s not a term that’s used in most situations. However, you will certainly have heard of the vegetables that fall under this umbrella. They include:
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Bok choy
- Kale
- Cauliflower
Adding more of these kinds of vegetables to your diet is a good place to start your healthy journey in 2023 because they contain all sorts of healthy natural elements. They are even said to fight against cancer as they contain plant-based compounds called phytonutrients which reduce inflammation and are said to reduce the risk of developing cancer. These powerhouse green vegetables are also low-calorie, rich in vitamins C, E, and K, and high in fibre.
Add these together with the rainbow of different coloured veggies to form the basis of a healthy Mediterranean diet.
Add More Spice
You might think that spices only improve the flavour of your food, and that’s a good thing anyway, but they do a lot more than that; they can be good for your health too.
A lot of herbs and spices contain anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, and they can help you fight infection, reduce cholesterol levels, and even boost your mood.
Simply sprinkling herbs and spices into your food is so easy, and it’s something that everyone can do. Of course, this alone is not going to improve your health completely but added to other measures, it’s certainly a good idea (and a delicious one).
Stop Eating Junk Food
Junk food is pricey, and it’s bad for your health, and yet we all eat it a lot more than we should. There are a couple of reasons for this; it tastes good and it’s convenient. However, when you consider what it’s doing to negatively affect your health, it’s time to make a change – stop eating junk food and cook everything from scratch. In this way, you’ll be a lot healthier, and your bank account will look good too.
Junk food is highly processed and contains a lot of salt, sugar, and saturated fat. By giving it up, you’ll find you will lose weight, have more energy, sleep better, your blood pressure is lowered, and you’ll be protecting your heart as well. You might even find that conditions such as erectile dysfunction improve, although if this is a problem, it might be worth trying medications to improve the situation which are available from online chemists such as Chemist Click
Stay Hydrated
Did you know that by the time you feel thirsty, you’re already suffering from the beginning effects of dehydration? It’s true, and this is why it’s important to sip on water throughout the day to ensure you don’t reach this stage.
To do this, have a reusable water bottle with you all the time and take small drinks every ten minutes or so. If you dislike the taste of water, you might want to try something like a soft drink, but this can have the opposite effect of what you’re looking for, and it can quickly dehydrate you. If you don’t like the taste of water, add some fruit, such as lemon or berries, to make it taste better.
There are, of course, lots of other things you will need to consider such as exercising, getting enough sleep, stopping smoking and reducing alcohol consumption. But we hope our foodie quick tips to improve your health will set you on the right path to a better you in 2023.
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