If You Want to Lose Weight, Consider These 5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Metabolism
Metabolism is a complex process that occurs when your body converts food and drinks (calories) into energy to fuel body functions. If you are struggling to lose weight, you might find that these 5 easy ways to increase metabolism help to make your weight loss efforts more effective.
There are many ways to positively impact your metabolism ranging from getting a better night’s sleep to using targeted supplements. For example, you might consider a product such as PhenQ as phenQ ingredients are designed to work synergistically to eventually increase your metabolism.
However, there are a couple of other ways you may want to consider to increase your metabolism before using supplements or other medications. Here are our top picks.
1. Power Up With Protein
You should always aim to consume a balanced diet but adding protein-rich foods to your plate will do wonders for your metabolism. This might include anything from white meat like chicken to eggs and nuts. But even vegans can significantly increase their protein uptake.
Consuming more protein will indeed help to increase your metabolism. This is due to the high thermic effect, a process that takes a lot more energy than usual to process. As a result, your body is forced to work a lot harder to digest the protein.
This means you will burn lots more calories when digesting protein than you will with carbohydrates or fat — usually around 80 to 100 more calories a day compared to low-protein diets.
Note that we haven’t mentioned red meats, which many consider being their main source of protein. This is because studies increasingly show that red meat is potentially carcinogenic and also bad for the environment. A healthy Mediterranean diet is a better option.
2. Get Sufficient Rest
There’s nothing that can’t be fixed with a full night of rest!
Although sleep naturally lowers your metabolism, not having enough sleep can do more harm than good when it comes to raising or lowering your overall metabolic rate.
A lack of sleep is known to help improve the activity in the frontal lobe, which could potentially impact your decision-making ability and your impulse control. This will lead to you making better food choices. It’s also important to note that very little sleep has a strong link to obesity.
Overall, being more well-rested will improve the function of your body and will make you much less likely to crave the foods that you don’t truly need. Subsequently, this will help you to increase your metabolism.
3. Stay Hydrated
Water is a crucial part of the metabolic process and normal body functioning. If you are even slightly dehydrated, there is a chance that your metabolism might slow down significantly.
Staying hydrated is a necessary part of an optimal metabolism and is something that you simply cannot miss out on if weight loss is your goal!
Those who drink water rather than sugary drinks are often far more successful at losing weight and also keeping it off. This is because sugary drinks have lots of calories, so replacing them with water will reduce your calorie intake immediately.
If you find drinking water a bit tedious, you can also try to snack on fresh vegetables and fruits that naturally contain water instead of your favourite crisps and other snacks. Or try some of the new flavoured soda drinks that contain no sugar or artificial sweeteners.
4. Never Skip Meals
In essence, your body relies on regularity and balance to function. This means you should never skip any of your meals throughout the day.
By following a regular meal pattern, you can increase your ability to withstand stress, improve circadian rhythms, and can help to manage a variety of gut flora.
You should aim to eat two to three meals per day at regular intervals, with periods of fasting in between. The important element of adopting an intermittent fasting approach is maintaining the regularity of times etc.
Eating regularly will keep your energy levels up and will keep your metabolism ticking over, meaning you still burn calories as you are digesting food!
5. Incorporate Exercise Into Your Routine
One of the best things you can do to improve your daily metabolic rate is to get your body moving more often.
Many experts say that non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is crucial for successful weight management. This is any sort of activity outside your usual workouts such as going grocery shopping.
NEAT activities increase your metabolism and will help you to burn considerably more calories throughout the entire day. These may be even more relevant than exercise.
You could also add interval training into a cardio routine to burn more calories in considerably less time. For instance, try running for a minute, and then walking for two minutes. You can then repeat this pattern for 30 minutes.
There are many easy ways to increase your metabolism from taking supplements to getting a quality night of rest. The key is to focus on the smaller lifestyle and diet changes to gradually increase your metabolism instead of trying to overwhelm it all at once.
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