Tips to Get More Exercise Over the Winter Months
Winter is nearly here and many people will be thinking about making the most of the cooler weather to start a new exercise routine. If you’re new to exercise, it isn’t always easy to know where to start so here are some great tips to help you get more exercise this winter.
What Are the Main Reasons Why People Find it Difficult to Exercise?
There are many reasons why people find it difficult to start – or maintain – a regular exercise routine. If you’ve never exercised before or it’s been a while, then it can be daunting and difficult to even know where to start. Many people simply feel that they don’t know what they’re doing, making it tricky to even begin.
Even after you’ve made the leap and started doing some exercise, it can take time to build this into a regular habit, which means that it doesn’t take much for your new routine to fall by the wayside when other things crop up. With many of us leading busy lives, lack of time is also a major reason for not getting enough exercise.
Additionally, many people suffer from gym anxiety. European lingerie specialists, Hunkemoller surveyed 2,000 adults in the UK and found that over a quarter (28%) of women and 16% of men felt anxious in a gym environment. Reasons for this included a lack of knowledge, being intimidated by gym equipment and feeling as though other people were staring at them.
Of course, as we’ll discuss below, there are lots of alternative ways to get more exercise this winter, or any other time of the year, than going to a gym. There are an endless variety of exercise options you could build into your lifestyle that don’t have to be gym related, although you might be surprised how easy it is to organise an express home workout.
Tips on How to Overcome These Issues
The good news is that there are steps you can take to help you overcome these issues and get more exercise this winter.
Start small
If you’re new to exercise, start with just 15 minutes per day and build up gradually from there. Remember that any exercise is better than none at all and there are fantastic health benefits to be gained from even a short, brisk walk.
Walking also helps you connect with nature which is great for mental as well as physical health. In fact, according to Professor Jules Pretty, even a five-minute dose of nature brings immediate wellbeing.
Exercise with a friend
When trying out a new exercise or class, try and take a friend with you or see if a family member would be happy to tag along. Not only is this great for your motivation but it can also greatly reduce anxiety.
Use music
Music is a great mood booster and can really help you get motivated. Creating an uplifting, high-tempo playlist for your workout will make the time pass quicker and encourage you to give your all.
Try new things
Don’t be discouraged if running or the gym aren’t for you. That doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of other types of exercise you’ll enjoy. Don’t be afraid to try different sports and activities until you find one that suits you. And do remember that activities such as gardening, walking, skipping, swimming, badminton, tennis, and dancing are all excellent forms of exercise.
Even a really good cleaning session can be a surprisingly good form of exercise!
Make a plan
Having a plan of what days and times you’re going to exercise and what you’ll do and where means you’re more likely to stick to it and help you build a consistent routine rather than leaving it up to chance.
Monitor your progress
Taking time to reflect on your progress can help you stay motivated. This doesn’t have to be about weight loss or building muscle, it could also be about how many reps you can do or how long you can do a particular exercise before you get tired. Looking back on how far you’ve come is a great way to celebrate your progress and set new goals for the future.