6 Helpful Tips: Preparing for Your New Baby
The arrival of a new baby is an exciting time for any family, but it can also be rather daunting as there are so many things to do to get ready for the new arrival! In this blog post, we will provide you with six helpful tips that will ensure preparing for your new baby is a little bit easier. Follow these tips and you will be well on your way to having a smooth transition into parenthood.
You have to be ready for your newborn
Babies come when they want, which may often be much earlier than your anticipated due date, so it’s important to always be prepared. Of course, you can never be 100% ready for everything, but it’s important to try your best. Using an essential resource to help you learn as much as possible about the different options of products available, especially those with a larger price ticket, is a really good starting point. Now, there are a lot of things to think about when preparing for a baby, so doing it one step at a time is key. Parenthood is a huge responsibility, but it is something that will come naturally to you.
Now is the time to also consider your approach from an environmental perspective. If you are bringing a new baby into a world that is already challenged by climate change, you surely need to consider being part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
While it is tempting to want everything brand new for your baby, you might also consider pre-loved items. You will be able to find lots of fabulous products in excellent condition but with a more affordable price tag.
Have you thought about the type of nappies you are going to use? Did you know that most ‘disposable’ nappies take at least 200 years to decompose? The vast majority of disposable nappies end up in landfill and when you consider almost 8 million disposable nappies are thrown away EVERY DAY in the UK, that’s a huge amount of plastic waste! Please do consider real cloth nappies as an alternative.
The same applies to baby wipes. There are lots of options to choose from, so do your research and find an eco-friendly option that suits you.
#1 Make a list of the necessities
The first step is to make a list of everything you need for when the baby arrives. This list should include both the big items such as cribs and cots, prams/pushchairs/strollers, as well as the smaller items, such as nappies and wipes.
It can be helpful to ask friends or family members who have already been through the process for advice on what you will need. Once you have your list, you can start to focus on acquiring each item. Stocking up on the essentials ahead of time will help you feel more prepared and less stressed when the baby finally arrives.
#2 Choose quality over quantity
It’s important to remember that you don’t need a ton of stuff for your new baby. In fact, less is often more when it comes to newborns. They need very little in the way of clothes and toys, so resist the urge to go overboard. Instead, focus on choosing a few high-quality items that will last. For example, invest in a good pram rather than buying a cheap one that will only last for a few months. The same goes for costs, car seats, and other big-ticket items. It’s better to have fewer, higher-quality items than a bunch of cheap ones that will fall apart quickly.
As we have already mentioned, buying preloved items provides an opportunity to buy better quality items at an affordable price.
#3 You will most likely need help
It’s okay to admit that you need help. In fact, it’s completely normal, especially with today’s fast-paced lifestyles.
Most new parents need assistance in the form of family, friends, or even hiring a babysitter or nanny. If you are feeling overwhelmed, reach out to your support system and ask for help. It can make all the difference in the world. Furthermore, there are many resources available to new parents, so whether you are looking for a book to help you grasp everything, or you just want to chat with other parents online, there is help out there.
#4 Prepare meals in advance
When preparing for your new baby, consider other ways in which parenthood is going to affect your day-to-day life. You will have much less time to do all those normal things such as cooking and cleaning. One of the best things you can do to make life a little easier during those early days of adjustment is to cook some meals for you and your partner/family in advance and freeze them. This will be a lifesaver when you are trying to juggle a newborn and everything else that comes along with being a parent.
There are many recipes online that are specifically designed for freezer cooking. Find a few that look good to you and make a big batch. This way, you will have food ready to go when you need it.
One of our favourite bulk cooking recipes is a vegan ragù that provided the basis for all your favourite ‘mince’ type meals such as spaghetti bolognaise, chill, shepherd’s pie, lasagne and more. Don’t worry if you or your family members are not vegans. They will not be able to tell the difference!
#5 Newborns sleep a lot…but not always when you want them to
One thing that all new parents quickly learn is that newborns sleep…a lot. In fact, they can sleep up to 16 hours per day. However, they don’t always sleep when you want them to. Newborns tend to have their days and nights mixed up, so be prepared for some late-night feedings and fussy moments. The good news is that this phase doesn’t last forever, and eventually, your baby will start sleeping through the night.
If you have specific commitments you need to maintain, consider how to cope if you can’t always follow a strict timetable.
#6 Don’t forget about your own needs
Becoming a parent is a huge adjustment, and it’s important to take care of yourself during this time. Make sure to schedule some “me time” into your week, whether it’s getting a massage, going for a walk, or just taking a long bath. Many new parents find a few minutes of meditation really helps them balance their needs with the needs of their new baby.
You still have your own life to live, and your own needs to take care of. Don’t forget about that! You are not selfish if you take some time for yourself – you are actually being smart and giving yourself the chance to recharge.
Preparing for a new baby is not a task that is light and easy. However, it is something that will make you very excited. By following these simple tips, you can help make the process a little bit easier. Just remember to take things one step at a time, and don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way! Congratulations on your new arrival!
Freezing food seems pretty clever! I’d add to the list: read all the baby-books during pregnancy cause you won’t have a. time b. brain! I remember having the amazing and extremely helpful collection of Susan Urban books (she’s the one from http://www.parental-love.com) – about breatfeeding and sleep training and solid foods. And I was so glad I’ve read it all upfront!
I know Susan Urban’s book! I have How to teach a baby to fall asleep alone guide and it helped us a lot. I mean – like changed our lives in what – 4 or 5 nights as I remember!