Can CBD Oil Help Neck Pain?
According to the NHS, most neck pain only lasts a few weeks, and you can generally deal with the pain and discomfort yourself without the need to see a doctor. Over-the-counter painkillers are suggested to ease the pain. But, as a more natural alternative without potential side effects, can CBD oil help neck pain? Ongoing research and anecdotal evidence certainly suggest it can!
To be clear, CBD oil is not addictive and does not cause the hallucinatory effects associated with cannabis. This is because CBD products are only legally allowed to contain a minuscule percentage of the addictive component tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is found in marijuana. THC is also the compound that gets people ‘high.’
CBD and cannabis both derive from different varieties of the Cannabis Sativa plant. Most CBD comes from hemp plants rather than cannabis plants. The former contains more CBD, the latter more THC.
Medical CBD can be prescribed on the NHS but only in very limited circumstances.
CBD is a rapidly growing industry in the UK and is highly regulated. Most people who produce and sell CBD products are passionate about the potential benefits and provide quality products, properly labelled, and honestly marketed. However, the exponential growth rate of the CBD industry has inevitably attracted interest from businesses whose primary concern is the bottom line. It is therefore essential that you purchase products from a reputable source and if you want to buy CBD oil products online, ensure the company is UK based and all products are properly tested.
What is neck pain?
Neck pain is a very common problem that can greatly impact a person’s quality of life. It can cause pain, stiffness, and restriction in the neck and upper back, making it difficult to go about daily activities such as sleeping, breathing, and eating.
But quite often, something fairly innocuous is the cause of the pain such as your neck being locked in an awkward position while sleeping, or bad posture because you have been sitting at a deck for a long time.
To help this type of neck pain, as well as trying CBD oil for pain relief you should:
- Use heat or cold packs on your neck
- Use a low, firm pillow
- Try to stay active as much as possible.
However, also consider:
- You should not wear a neck collar as it is generally recommended to keep your neck mobile unless, of course, recommended otherwise by a doctor.
- Do not do anything where limited movement might cause danger, such as driving or cycling.
However, if you have an injury caused by whiplash from a traffic accident, sports injury or a fall and the pain or stiffness does not go away after a couple of weeks and/or if you have other symptoms such as pins and needles or a cold arm – which might indicate something more serious – you should see a doctor.
How to Prevent Neck Pain
Apart from specific incidents or a symptom of another condition, a large percentage of neck pain issues are posture related. These are some of the things you can do to help prevent neck pain.
- Have a firm mattress
- Try and ensure your head is the same height as your body when sleeping
- Try sleeping on your back, although if snoring is an issue that might not be the best option for you!
- If your work at a computer for a large percentage of the day, ensure you have a proper chair to support your posture and that your computer is at the right height. Your employer should ensure that you have the appropriate seating as computer stations as part of their health and safety processes, and that applies even if you work from home
- If you spend a great deal of time texting, raise your mobile to eye level to avoid neck strain.
- If you spend a lot of time on the phone, use a headset to avoid the temptation of cradling the phone in the crook of your neck
- Do not spend too long in any one position, particularly at your desk. Periodically stand up and stretch to include specific gentle neck exercises.
- Stay hydrated! You may think that has nothing to do with neck pain, but the discs in your neck and mostly made up of water and they need to be hydrated to remain strong and pliable.
- If you are carrying bags, even just a heavy purse or a briefcase, try to ensure your load is evenly balanced. Backpacks are often better options.
So, do try and take precautions recommended to prevent neck pain in the first place. But if you do suddenly have a stiff and painful neck, remember that using CBD oil is a good first course of action to relieve neck pain
Physical health is important for optimal physical health. Physical activity boosts energy degrees and also strengthens the bones. Eating a healthy and balanced, well-balanced diet plan is similarly vital, as it gives the body with a range of nutrients that aid it work ideally. Along with physical health, correct nutrition will also improve your psychological and psychological well-being. By avoiding junk foods and also getting the right amount of exercise, you’ll accomplish optimal health and wellness and also wellness. This is the foundation of a healthy way of life.
The World Health Organization defines health as total physical, mental, and social wellbeing; and also highlights the connection between physical, psychological, and also social health. A healthy and balanced way of living consists of staying clear of unhealthy behaviors, anxiety, anxiety, and addiction. It likewise highlights the value of being energetic and also participated in a social setting to promote health and wellness. Nevertheless, health is a result of several elements, including a person’s way of living and atmosphere. While a healthy environment is necessary, it is additionally vital to keep a positive attitude as well as adopt a way of life that promotes ideal wellness.