Three Easy and Healthy Habits to Start Right Away
It does not matter where you are in life right now or what ‘bad’ habits you might have; there is always a chance to start living more healthily and enjoying life more. It might be hard to determine just how to do that, especially when it is easier to stay where we are – it’s comfortable, which is why it’s called a comfort zone – even if where we are is not where we want to be. However, with thought and planning, it is possible to make minor changes that can reap big rewards. With that in mind, here are three easy and healthy habits to start right away to bring positive elements into your life.
Improve Your Diet
One thing that is sure to bring about positive changes is if you improve your diet. The saying ‘you are what you eat’ is true in some regards. If you eat bad food, food full of unhealthy ingredients, too much salt, sugar, and fat, and so on, you’ll feel bad. If you eat healthy foods, such as plenty of fruit and vegetables, you’ll feel good. Therefore, it’s a good idea to eat more healthily, and you’ll feel good much more of the time.
You do not have to start big, as that can mean you give up and go back to old habits. Instead, try replacing one poor choice with a good one at a time. Instead of chips with your meal, have a baked sweet potato – but go easy on the butter! Instead of crisps as a snack, have a small bowl of nuts, instead of a slice of cake have an apple or a couple of delicious Medjool dates, and so on.
Two of the best pieces of advice in terms of improving your diet are to dramatically reduce the amount of highly processed foods and to adopt a more plant-based diet. That does not necessarily mean you need to go vegan or vegetarian but have some meals without meat or fish and when they are included, ensure they are sustainable high-welfare products.
Even for those on a good diet, it is often a sensible idea to introduce supplements to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. You might also like to try some CBD products such as CBII CBD gummies UK to give yourself some extra help. You will see and feel the results almost immediately with some of these products!
Start Exercising
Much like eating the right food, exercise will make you feel good right away. It releases ‘happy hormones’ (such as serotonin) into the body, and these not only make you feel great, but they also combat hormones such as cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. This will help you feel happy and relaxed and show you that exercise is a good thing.
If you think you don’t have time for exercise, it’s time to think again. Just ten minutes a day is enough, providing you get your heart rate up – so could you get up ten minutes earlier? Could you forego ten minutes of TV or screen time? Could you take a little time on your lunch break to go for a jog or even a brisk walk? The answer is probably yes. Get into this habit and you will be amazed at how good you feel, which will help motivate you to do more.
Don’t forget that the best form of exercise is something that you enjoy, therefore you are more likely to keep it up. You do not have to be a gym bunny, but walking, cycling, dancing, and gardening might be good options.
Have a Routine
Humans thrive on routine, and if you do not generally have one, this could be detrimental to your health. Without knowing it, you might be stressed and anxious all because subconsciously, at least, you do not know what is coming next or what you should be doing.
You can make your routine as detailed or as simple as you want. It might list out what you should be doing every hour of the day, or it could just say when you should eat, exercise, and sleep. Whatever works for you is the ideal routine, so don’t worry about other people and focus on what you want and need. It will make you healthier and happier, so it’s worth it.
None of us is perfect and it is so easy to slip into bad habits, so we hope these three easy and healthy habits that you can start implementing straight away will give you that extra bit of momentum you need to make some changes that will help you lead a happier and healthier life.