Product review: waxing lyrical about wax wraps
Like me, I suspect many people have thought wax wraps look like an interesting option to cling film but felt the price was prohibitive. And although ‘waxing lyrical’ about wax wraps is rather an overstatement, I hope this review will help convert many people to not only the benefits of wax wraps but an understanding that while the initial purchase costs are indeed quite high, long term wax wraps are just as cost-effective as cling film. Most importantly, of course, wax wraps do not create the environmental problem that cling film does.
There are several types of wax wraps, and you can even make your own beeswax food wraps, but we sampled WaxWraps – and I’m a total convert!
Why change to wax wraps?
The simple answer is that although cling film is great for wrapping food and keeping it fresh, we all know the environmental problems of single-use plastic. Cling film is particularly nasty because although many single-use plastic items can be recycled, it is extremely difficult to recycle cling film and should never be put in your recycling bin for two reasons:
1. The resins and phthalates that are the essential elements that give cling film its clinginess characteristics cannot be easily separated, making it too complex to break down and reuse effectively;
2. Cling film is often contaminated with food which could cause contamination of a complete batch of otherwise recyclable plastic. It is a product that never really goes away but just slowly breaks down into smaller microscopic pieces of plastic which often end up polluting waterways and poisoning wild and marine life when mistaken for food.
Reusable WaxWraps are made using all-natural materials, are toxin-free and 100% biodegradable and compostable so have a negligible environmental impact.
But are WaxWraps effective?
Absolutely! WaxWraps are different but equally effective as cling film. And they look so pretty – and smell nice too!
When I took the first WaxWrap out of its packet, I really didn’t think it would work. WaxWrap is made of organic cotton cloth coated in a mixture of natural beeswax, antimicrobial pine resin and antibacterial jojoba oil, giving it pliability and allowing food to ‘breathe’ the way nature intended, keeping it fresher for longer. But it is quite thick and seemingly unmalleable. But a quick rub in warm hands and hey presto! -lovely flexible wraps! They really are extremely flexible.
WaxWrap does not adhere to other materials, but the wrap folds and clings to itself making an excellent seal. In March 2021, Which! found that beeswax wraps outperformed cling film by keeping apple more moist and less brown by up to five more days; preventing the bread in sandwiches from becoming soggy; and were just as effective as cling film in wrapping up food with a strong odour, such as stilton cheese.
You can easily cover almost anything with wax wraps and because they are more rigid than cling film they have more uses such as making boxes and even rolling and forming them into piping bags. They are just so versatile.
But they are so expensive!
Yes, they are to initially purchase. But WaxWrap is washable, durable, reusable, and can last for up to 200 uses! The wraps are waterproof, so all they need after use is a quick wash in cold or tepid water (hot water will melt the wax) with a little bit of mild detergent, rinse then either leave to dry or pat dry with a tea towel.
Over the course of a year, you will save money. And perhaps even more importantly, you will be reducing your environmental impact.
Your kids will love them!
As you can see from the images, WaxWrap looks great. And as even quite young children are now becoming more environmentally aware, they’ll love taking their packed lunches to school in the colourful, sustainable, reusable wraps and will impress their classmates and might even earn brownie points with their teachers.
I have probably waxed lyrical about wax wraps as much as I can. So over to you. Please ditch the cling film and go and buy some.
WaxWrap comes in rolls, sheets packs, and food bag packs. You’ll love it!