The Importance of Emergency First Aid Training
Accidents and unexpected heath crises are surprisingly common occurrences in most homes, workplaces, and social situations. They invariably happen suddenly: there is no advance warning to enable you to be prepared which is why knowledge of first aid is critical. Knowing what to do when the need arises is the basis for learning first aid. Instances surrounding cardiac arrests, allergic reactions, breathing loss, choking, head injuries, falls, and burns, are just a few typical examples of common incidences that highlight the importance of emergency first aid training.
Children and senior citizens are more susceptible to accidents and need responsible people around them who should, ideally, know first aid and how to administer emergency care. Having this knowledge could be the key to saving lives, preventing infections, and avoiding the severity and long-term impacts of illnesses.
Many first aid training course packages are worth considering as they could help save the lives of people around you, especially young children. If you are employed, your employer may consider arranging an emergency first aid training course for you, perhaps in conjunction with some of your colleagues.
Let us look at the importance of emergency first aid training:
Save Lives
Knowing how to perform basic first aid could be the difference between life and death. According to a study commissioned by the Red Cross, 59 percent of deaths could have been avoided if appropriate emergency first aid was administered before the emergency medical services arrived.
Clearly, most of us would like to be able to offer practical and appropriate help should we find ourselves in a situation where emergency first aid is required.
First aid training with certification allows you to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and literally breathe life back into peoples’ lungs. Knowing how to correctly perform CPR, the Heimlich manoeuvre, and administer an Epi-Pen (Epinephrine Pen for severe allergic reactions), for example, can reduce health complications and keep the injured person stable until professional medical help arrives.
Increase Patient Comfort
Many times, accidents and injuries do not require a trip to the doctor or the emergency room. Some of the most common injuries are to children that fall while playing and scrape their knees and elbows or fall over a toy, and other such instances. However, just because the injury is not severe does not mean that they don’t feel scared, hurt, and in pain.
At such times, knowing what to do and not panicking can help bring them comfort and ease the pain.
Children react to strong emotional cues and imitate behavioural patterns. If you are calm and collected, they will also stop crying and quieten down. If you disinfect the wound, apply the ice pack correctly, and secure a band-aid or bandages, you will be helping your children feel physically and emotionally better.
Reducing the Severity of Injury
There are many times where patients require emergency first aid. If they do not get this care immediately, the injury could get severe. You should know how to perform emergency first aid to help regulate the person’s vitals. You can prevent the severity if you help clear the airways, staunch any bleeding, and ensure the head is propped at a correct angle to allow proper blood flow.
If a person suffers burns, you will need to know the correct methods to alleviate the pain and limit the amount of damage to the skin, remembering that severe burns can be life-threatening.
Increases Confidence
For first time parents, knowing what to do in an emergency makes all the difference in the world. Having emergency first aid training helps them feel confident in their child-rearing abilities to always keep children safe.
By taking an emergency first aid course, you can also spread basic information, speak to other parents, and ensure that children stay safe.
Small things like applying ice packs correctly, applying antiseptic lotions and creams, securing a splint, and cleaning an infected wound can help save lives and make you more confident in your abilities.
Increasing Workplace Safety
Workplace safety is also a part of the first aid administration. If you are an employee, your first aid certificate (paid by your employer) can show that you are competent and are promptly able to care for other colleagues. Since businesses in the UK have a legal liability to have qualified first aid trainers, you could be at a great advantage. There are numerous first aid training packages, including the one-day emergency first aid at work and a Paediatric first aid course to help your children at home.
Ensuring that you have the knowledge to assist someone in need of emergency first aid is highly critical in daily life. You can help reduce the impact of medical emergencies by providing proper care at the perfect time.