Are you concerned about the quality of life for elderly parents?
Do you want to improve the quality of life of your elderly parents? Many people find themselves thinking about this at a certain point in their lives when their parents are no longer able to look after themselves properly. It is a common dilemma, especially when we lead busy lives ourselves.
For most people, the priority is providing enough support for elderly parents who may be struggling to cope so that they enjoy a good quality of life in their later years and, most importantly, can remain in their own home. In this article, we’ll look at a range of options to improve the quality of life for elderly parents ranging from helping with chores and spending time together to investing in live-in elderly care.
Help with chores
For many family members, caring for their elderly parents is often a full-time job. While it can be rewarding, it is also stressful and physically exhausting.
If your parents live with you or are close to you, then the chances are that you have to take care of them regularly. Whether it’s helping them around the house or going grocery shopping with them, they will depend on you to do things for them.
As much as possible, try to find time to help with chores. This way, you will not only be taking some of the stress off them but also giving them a chance to spend more time with you. But if it gets to a point when it is becoming too much for you, there are many agencies that can offer support. AGE UK has branches across the UK and can provide advice.
Spend time together
It may be stating the obvious, but an important way to improve the quality of life of your elderly parents is to make sure that you spend time together. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that you have to spend every minute of your life with them. Instead, consider spending some time together once in a while in your home or theirs.
If you live with them, you will have plenty of opportunities to interact and make them happy. On the other hand, if they live by themselves, try to visit at least once a week.
If you are visiting your parents for the first time in a while, do something different from what you usually do. For example, if you typically come over for dinner, you can suggest eating breakfast together.
Be helpful without being overbearing
At times, family members can end up being overbearing when trying to help their elderly parents. While it’s good to be helpful, there are ways in which you can go about it without becoming obnoxious. If your parents have spent a lifetime looking after you, it is often extremely difficult to feel the tables have turned!
One way you can do it is by setting boundaries with your parents regarding how much help they need. For instance, if you have been doing all the cooking for them, suggest they will cook dinner next weekend or, if cooking is difficult, perhaps a tasty salad. Alternatively, if you were tasked with doing all the cleaning, ask them if perhaps there are a few things they could do.
Invest in Live-In Elderly Care
If there is one area where family members often fall short in terms of being able to help their elderly parents, it’s probably ensuring they are safe and cared for 24/7.
When older adults find themselves needing more help than their children can give them, thoughts often turn to nursing homes and retirement communities which provide elderly care. However, these places can be pretty expensive and may even require an upfront deposit in order to reserve a spot.
Even more importantly, most elderly parents want to retain their independence and stay in their own home for as long as possible and while we want to keep them safe, moving our loved ones to a care home can seriously impact the quality of life for many elderly parents.
It may be a good idea for senior citizens to find an affordable alternative in cases like these, such as home care providers who offer live-in elderly care services. Home care providers are available in virtually every residential area. They are also specifically designed to assist with daily activities, such as meal preparation, medication reminders, and transportation to appointments.
Pay attention to their medication
Another meaningful way you can help your elderly parents is by keeping an eye on their medication. As they grow older, most seniors take medication to deal with various health conditions. Unfortunately, as the years go by, many of them tend to forget to take them regularly or at the correct times.
While you may not be able to remember all of their medications, try to keep track of the most important ones and make sure that they take them on time. This awareness is critical to ensure your parents’ well-being and keep them healthy.
The NHS suggests that your pharmacist may be able to provide dosette boxes to help organise medications.
Get them involved in a hobby
Another way you can help improve the quality of life of your elderly parents is to get them involved in a hobby. Whether it’s learning new skills, playing games, or even going out for walks, keeping them busy is an excellent way for older people to feel young again.
Besides, hobbies are a good way for elderly parents to spend time together with their loved ones. Age UK and similar organisations often have specific clubs for the elderly which will help them make friends and get involved in pursuits they may never have tried before including activities like gentle chair exercises or even singing and dancing which most elderly people enjoy.
Get them out of the house
When it comes to spending time with seniors, taking them out of the house is a fantastic way for you and your parents to bond. Whether it’s visiting museums or going out for dinner, getting out of the house will allow your parents to spend time with the family and enjoy each other’s company.
The bottom line
Whether it’s investing in a professional live-in elderly care or helping them with chores, there are many ways in which you can give your elderly parents a helping hand. Additionally, no matter what steps you take, it is essential that you stay committed to improving their quality of life. While most people find themselves thinking about this from time to time, not everyone does something about it.
Taking care of seniors can be tiresome and challenging. Nonetheless, if you do take action and follow up on your words with deeds, there is no question that your parents will appreciate everything that you do for them.
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash