Erbology plant-based, organic snacks and juices
Erbology is passionate about promoting healthy, plant-based, organic whole food diets as can be seen from their article Unrefined: vulgar, rude, pure and untouched. We were delighted to review a selection of Erbology snacks and juices
In Erbology’s entry in our Health Foods and Supplements directory, the company describes itself as a thought-leader in plant-based nutrition, taking powerful plants and making them accessible every day in delicious foods and drinks.
But, to coin a phrase “the proof is in the pudding.” And although ‘pudding’ was not included in the samples sent me to trial, I can certainly testify that the products were packed with healthy ingredients and were absolutely delicious.
As per the heading picture, we have trialled Tkemali Raw Activated Crackers, Greek Olive Crackers, Tigernut Granola, Organic Aloe Vera Juice, and Bergamot Organic Juice.
All the food products are vegan, certified organic, have a base of sprouted buckwheat and no added refined sugar. The picture shows the rear of the (environmentally friendly) box of Greek Olive Crackers which gives a little bit of background to founders Irina and Victor Tuscan, plus information about the nutritional value of the sprouted buckwheat.
If you like snacking but would like to find some healthy options, these are for you!
Greek Olive Crackers
As our personal food preferences veer towards savoury rather than sweet, these were our favourite. The lovely crunchy super-healthy crackers, packed with buckwheat, carrot, nuts, seeds, black olives, herbs, and spices had a lovely flavour and make an ideal snack. Lovely with hummus.
Tkemali Raw Activated Crackers
These slightly sweeter but equally crunchy crackers contain healthy beets and Georgian pickled plum sauce (Tkemali). Use as above or crumble on top of salads.
Tigernut Granola
This fabulous granola is a world away from the sugary, unhealthy, commercially produced granola found in the supermarkets. Tigernuts and dates provide sweetness that is not overwhelming and, of course, lots of health benefits: tigernuts are packed with iron, magnesium, and fibre; dates are a natural sweetener and also high in fibre and antioxidants.
We tried the granola with oat milk and yoghurt and it was delicious but, to be honest, I found I had to ensure the pack was put away because I loved them just on their own as a snack!
Bergamot Juice
Bergamot is a fragrant citrus fruit, common throughout the Mediterranean. It is bergamot oil that gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavour.
Bergamot is about the same size of an orange but is not normally eaten fresh as it can have quite a tart flavour.
Erbology’s 100% organic juice is a food supplement with a recommended dosage of 50ml added to a smoothie, juice, or water. I loved it just added to water – it was so refreshing.
Aloe Vera Juice
Many people are familiar with aloe vera and know that it is packed with health benefits but not a particularly pleasant flavour!
Erbology’s aloe vera juice is 99.8% organic juice with .2% citric acid. Also a liquid food supplement with recommended dosage as above. Again, I actually found it was quite pleasant just in a glass of water.
The products mentioned above are just a small snapshot of the range of snacks, drinks, oils, powders and a ‘pantry’ including a range of nuts and berries, plus a range of health boxes that you can purchase as a one-off or a regular fortnightly or monthly option.
Erbology products prove you do not have to compromise on flavour just because you want to eat healthy vegan, organic, unadulterated food!