The eC-Card mobile app offers young people free, easy access to condoms
The eC-Card app allows young people in Essex aged 16-24, quick, discreet, and free access to condoms using their smart phone. The app is available to download for iOS and Android.
The process
Following a simple registration process, the user views three short educational videos covering: the law and consent in relation to sexual activity, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and how to use a condom. After successfully completing a quiz to test their understanding, they can use the app to easily locate a convenient collection venue from across the county. When they visit the distribution venue, they can gain access to a supply of condoms by simply scanning a QR code using the scanner built into the app.
Positive feedback
The service has received very positive feedback from users:
“I like this app. It gives you knowledge about sex and STIs. It’s really informative and easy to use.”
Jessica, 20 years, May 2019.
“It’s an easy app to use and I can get condoms easily and quickly from lots of different places. Much better than having to visit a clinic.”
Elijah,18 years, May 2019.
More information is available via the Essex Sexual Health website
Kez Spelman, Clinical Contract Manager for the service said:
“Good sexual and reproductive health is important to physical and mental wellbeing, and is a cornerstone of public health. Young people who are exploring and establishing sexual relationships must be supported to take responsibility. To do this, we need an open and honest sexual and reproductive health culture, in which condom use is simply the norm regardless of age or sexuality. Condom distribution schemes such as the eC-Card app play a key role in helping young people on this journey.”
Essex, Thurrock and Southend Sexual Health Services offer a range of sexual health services at their clinics and a number of retail pharmacies across Essex. The free, confidential, non-judgemental services are available to the people of Essex regardless of sex, age, ethnic origin and sexual orientation.
Clinics are run by a team of doctors, nurses and health advisers. Their expertise means everyone can expect appropriate, effective advice and care to benefit their sexual health.
As well as the eC-Catd Scheme, the following services are available.
Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs) in-clinic and online.
HIV testing via ‘Test at Home’ feature, (Finger prick test available at Basildon Clinic).
Chlamydia screening.
Pregnancy tests.
Most forms of contraception.
Emergency contraception/morning after pill.
General sexual health advice, counselling and support.
An appointment only system operates to ensure people see the most appropriate person for their needs without a significant wait.
Contact the Intelligence Centre for your area as detailed below:
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm (closed bank holidays)
Saturday 8am to 1pm
If you live in Thurrock call 0300 303 9970
If you live in Southend call 0300 303 2693
If you live anywhere in the rest of Essex call 0300 003 1212
Out of hours
Seek advice from NHS 111, contact them by telephone on 111 or visiting NHS 111 Online