10 Most Popular Plant Based Protein Foods
Over the last few years, the number of people who do not take animal-based products has tremendously increased for various reasons whether personal, religion, or health. The increase is also influenced by the fact that people are now more aware that they can get enough proteins for their body needs from plant-based protein sources.
Studies have also shown that consuming plant-based proteins has its benefits. Plant proteins are easy on your gut and require less energy to digest allowing your body to use the saved energy on muscle repair and disease prevention.
Plant-based protein also helps to maintain weight loss. Vegetables and cereals contain high quantities of fiber, water, and protein, which make one feel fuller without consuming excess calories. Plant-based proteins also have a better metabolism, greater longevity and lower risk of obesity.
The proteins are also affordable and do not contain harmful hormones and chemicals such as nitrates and nitrites that are common in animal products. Furthermore, since they are alkaline-forming, they can help lower stress, counter inflammation, and maintain bone health. They can also help prevent kidney diseases and manage diabetes. They are also highly flexible and convenient to prepare.
If you enjoy protein drinks during or after a workout sessionj, or maybe to ensure you have access to protein when you are time limited during a busy working day, using a vacuum insulated bottle such as this 12 oz stainless steel tumbler can make a great choice to keep your protein drink fresh throughout the day.
Plant-based protein sources that will provide you with adequate proteins
Lentils: A single serving of lentils offers about 20 grams of protein. They contain essential and non-essential amino acids as well as the globulin amino acid. Their high fiber quantity, as well as potassium and prebiotics, make lentils good for general wellness.
Hemp seeds: In addition to providing you with muscle-building proteins, Hemp seeds also contain heart-healthy fats primarily omega-3 fatty acids. Hemp-seeds are also a good source of arginine amino acids which plays a key role in ensuring a strong cardiovascular system. A 3 tablespoons hemp service will provide you with about 10 grams of protein.
Chia seeds: Chia is an ancient seed that is well-known for its medicinal value, but it is also a good source of protein. The seeds are made up of about 20-percent protein and 25-percent fiber. Chia seeds are recommended for sensitive people as they are naturally gluten-free protein. They also contain both essential and non-essential amino acids. It is also good for thickening food as well as boosting fiber, protein and healthy fats.
Quinoa: Quinoa is a gluten-free, starchy protein that also contains carbohydrates and fiber. It is recommended for use as an alternative to rice to add diversity in carbohydrate intake. Quinoa is preferred by veggies as it contains higher protein to fat and carbohydrate ratio compared to other grains.
Spirulina: Spirulina is a rich plant-based protein source with about 60 to 70 percent of its macronutrients being protein compared to other plant-based protein sources that contain about 35 percent. It is also one of the few plant-based sources that offer all types of amino acids.
Nuts: Although nuts such as walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, pistachios, and cashews are known for their minerals, healthy fats, and Vitamin E, they are also a good source of plant protein.
Legumes and beans: Beans and legumes are a good source of proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates as well as magnesium.
Soy: Foods that contain soy such as tofu, tempheh, and edamame are a good source of all amino acids. They are considered the strongest, most animal-like protein based on their chemical make-up.
Nutritional yeast: A stable in most plant-based foods, nutritional yeast contains high amounts of protein and B vitamins. It is also highly versatile and offers all amino acids. Try to avoid over-heating to maintain maximum benefit.
Seitan: Seitan is a protein-rich animal-products substitute that is made by mixing wheat gluten with spices. However, due to its gluten content, it is not ideal for people with gluten intolerance.
If you are wondering whether you should start taking protein based protein, you should note that people who exclusively take plant-based protein have a lower risk of ischemic heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers.
Certainly, many health practitioners including longevity specialists such as T. Colin Campbell, PhD; Dr. John McDougall; and Dr Caldwell Esselstyn all advocate a predominently plant-based diet.
Lentils picture credit: Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay
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