 Hey Rey Pearce, check out my origami whale! Every  whale will carry a message telling the Prime Minister of Japan that the upcoming International Whaling Commission (IWC) in June is a great opportunity for Japan to acknowledge international pressure to stop whaling. The IWC has the power to stop whaling once and for all and is meeting between June 23rd and 27th. Japan will be at the IWC pushing to resume commercial whaling. However the tide is turning in Japan where the public doesn’t want their tax dollars spent on an aging fleet that does fake science to justify a hunt for whale meat that nobody wants to eat. Join the international swell of outrage about whaling – with your support we can save Please tell all your anti-whaling friends, the more whales, the more pressure the government of Japan will be under to cease whaling at the upcoming International Whaling Commission. Stop whaling. Bring Japan into the fold Thank you for your support. |