This is a new section commencing April 2018. Every month we will be adding a very short tip, on a variety of subjects, that we will also share via our newsletter. (Register here if you are not already on the database.)
If you have a tip you would like to share with the Healthy Life Essex audience, please email to:
July 2018
It’s important to eat fresh, seasonal, local produce as much as possible. But did you know that UK heated greenhouses have a huge carbon footprint? Again, let’s stress seasonal food……..
Guy Singh-Watson of Riverford Organic Farms has been involved in research which looked at the climate impact of out of season foods grown in a heated greenhouse in the UK compared with food brought in by ship or truck from abroad. The foreign foods won hands down when it came to carbon footprint, but only if it hadn’t come in by air.
June 2018
You can use a mixture of white distilled vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to keep your wastes and drains clear and smelling fresh. But take care: when mixed together these create a chemical reaction, so don’t get close. This action will break down fatty acides from grease, other foods and a build up of soap into simpler substances.
Pour 50g of bicarbonate of soda and 150ml of vinegar down the waste/drain. Cover if possible while the solution fizzes, then follow with a bucketful of very hot water.
May 2018
Drinking boiled water with lemon is a great morning cleanse. To ensure you always have lemon available, chop them into wedges when first purchased and the pop them in a bag in the freezer. You can then take out one wedge at a time and pour over boiling water, which will defrost the lemon and cool the water ready to drink!
Don’t drink last thing at night, after you have cleaned your teeth though as the acid in lemon can damage tooth enamel!
Also, see our article on proper hydration.
April 2018
TIP: Stock up with the following household products, which can be purchased in larger sizes for cleaning purposes rather than the typical kitchen ingredient size, for your own green cleaning solutions:
- Baking soda
- White vinegar
- Essential oils such as tea tree, lavender, lemon
- Salt
- Fresh herbs, citrus or citrus peels
- Borax
- Olive or vegetable oil
Quick tip: soak discoloured glass in a salt and white vinegar solution to remove stains. (More tips will follow.)
Avoid using chemicals as much as possible in your food, make-up, personal care and cleaning materials. Better for you. Better for the environment.
You might find this article about chemical cocktails and male infertitily of interest.