Benefits of Pets for Kids – The Essential Guide
Did you know it’s estimated there are around 19 million families with children living in the UK? Plus, one in every two households owns a pet of some form. From dogs to reptiles, and cats to rodents, there are a considerable number of different options when it comes to finding the perfect pet for your family. Here are some of the greatest benefits of introducing a furry friend into your child’s life.
Getting active
One of the biggest benefits of bringing a pet into the family is the push to get up and active. This isn’t just the case with dogs either; rabbits, cats, and many other pets love to run around and could help encourage your child to get up and active as they play together. In the long run, a more active lifestyle will have a whole host of benefits, including a healthier heart and improved immune system.
Sense of responsibility
If you have ever owned a pet, then you may remember all the responsibility that comes with your new friend. Having a companion means you need to plan for days out or any holidays, as well as working in a social life around looking after your pet. These are all skills that your child will be able to practise and develop as they learn the work that goes into having a pet.
Boosted brain power
It has been shown that stroking a pet can release a whole host of endorphins – a chemical that helps our brains to feel happy. Although we may sometimes think children don’t have as much stress, many factors in life can lead youngsters to get worked up. However, having a pet there can be one of the easiest ways to help children relax, unwind, and feel better all around. Pets can also help children mature emotionally as they understand how to prioritise their new pet’s requirements before their own.
Learning life lessons
The world is such a big and wonderful place it can be troublesome trying to prepare your child for whatever life throws their way. By bringing a pet into the family, your new addition will help to do some of the work for you. Children will soon learn how much their new friend relies on them, as well as picking up key empathy skills. These are values your child will be able to use for the rest of their lives.
These are just a few pointers on how a small addition to the family home can make a huge difference. If you would like to find out more information, including the best types of pets and how to prepare, then be sure to check out Direct Line’s guide to the benefits of pets for kids for plenty more tips and advice. It might soon be time to welcome home a new addition!
[…] you take the dog out for a walk. And if you don’t have a pet, now’s the time to reconsider. At Healthy Life we’ve written about the benefits of pets for children, which include having a sense of responsibility among others. Pets can also help reduce stress in […]
As you mentioned, having a pet for your child gives them a sense of responsibility, and gives them something to look after. My son has wanted a pet for years now, but he is allergic to pretty much anything with fur. Maybe we will look into getting him some sort of reptile.
[…] Of course, you also must keep your dog happy, and I am sure that your serotonin levels will also increase because you will certainly do a lot of cuddling and playing with this animal. Keeping pets is also extremely good for kids. […]
Also it teaches them empathy and non-verbal communication skills much earlier!