Random Acts of Kindness … I think I must have slept through the national Random Acts of Kindness Day on 17th February and missed the opportunity!
But for Me, we shouldn’t need a special day.
We should be considering others every day.
It doesn’t take huge amounts of money and grand acts to make the world kind… have you considered a smile, a text, a flower, a card, “hello”, reaching for that high up item in a grocery store, checking on the neighbour, walking someone’s dog, dropping food into a food bank, house clear clutter for a charity shop, buy someone a cuppa, buy a suspended meal or drink, homeless individuals … don’t just buy them a cuppa and/or a meal, sit with them and have a chat and a cuppa with them.. listen to them. Perhaps you could put them in touch with social services, a homeless charity, a shelter, a doctor… you could be the one person that #makesadifference to their lives.

Simple interaction is so easy and far more powerful than gifts you buy. Listen to a friend, feed the animals that wonder into your garden… the foxes, robins, blue tits, great tits, wagtails, is your bird table full of water? Did you think of the birds when the land was a blanket of snow? Did you melt this ice in that bird table, or buy a bag of seeds or dried worms or insects for the robins, sparrows, blue tits etc; they can’t get through the snow to find the worms. Please always think about them, but especially when the weather is really cold.
On that note, do you know that 3000 in the uk alone die of the cold? Yep you read it right, the cold. Not only elderly people, just ordinary people like you and me, they can’t afford heating, so they die of the cold.
For heavens sake, this 2018 people. Where is our humanity? Where is your kindness? Do you have an elderly person(s) in your neighbourhood? When was the last time you said, hello, asked them how they are, invited them for tea and cake or perhaps took tea and cake to them?
Check them out? Are they looking well? Does their house feel Warm? Use your common sense. If they need help, talk to Age Concern, Samaritans, Salvation Army, Social Services, community services, churches. Again you are the one person that can #makeadifference in their life.
Don’t leave it to someone else, don’t be the person with the excuses… well I thought their family was looking after them, that’s not my responsibility, well they must get help, they get a pension…
This person may have #mentalillhealth, they may worry about the bills, they may be totally oblivious of the cold,I know many who have walked around without the right clothing for the season. It’s our responsibility to make it our business to make a difference, not an excuse.
Where is human Kind? Where is humanity? Where is kindness? Oh there you are… you’re reading this…
So what action are you going to take? Make a plan. Make a difference.lets get the figure of 3000 deaths from the cold lower.
Much Love. Much Hope.
Love Me x
Just Listening to You is a voluntary Community group; here to listen and support anyone who has mental health difficulties by providing self-help based on personal experience. The group is about inclusivity, being non-judgmental, safety, confidentiality, honesty and fun.Founder, Bernie Bentley, has run the Just Listening to You group for a little over three years, and she now runs weekly sessions, in Westcliff -on -Sea, where like-minded people help each other overcome hurdles and manage mental well-being. The Group organise many local events to raise funds, combat stigma and create awareness of mental ill health.![]() 07968 037507 |
I recently wrote a blog on kindness & heat poverty, it has been published in https://healthylifeessex.co.uk/2018/03/random-acts-of-kindness-day/ .
Today’s receive an email from global citizen giving me the real facts about heat poverty.
Please, for those that die from the cold, for the old lady sitting in front on one radiator, for the family heating their place by lighting all the gas hobs, for the Mum using a paraffin burner … read the editorial below, read the blog on Health Life, please share, please sign the petition… This is 2018 & this is totally unacceptable.
3,000 deaths in the UK alone & all because these people lack heat in their home due to lack of money.
Let your voice be heard, tap on the link: https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/fuel-poverty-uk-3000-deaths-report/
Simple interaction with old friend, small text or just say hello and listen to a friend, I think it’s a small act but have a big impact.
Lets #makeadifference and celeberate Random Acts of Kindness Day