If I Can, You Can!
by Constance Turner
Back in the 60’s, Constance Turner thought that getting pregnant and married was a good way to escape the life she had at home with her parents. Years of dominance and mental abuse from her husband followed.
For many years, she did the best she could and continued to convince herself, and those around her, that everything was fine. An all too familiar story! Admitting the extent of the problems to others is often the first step: sometimes it is difficult to accept that this does not make you a failure. It took courage for Constance to finally leave him and start to re-build her life, but now she is happier than she has ever been in her life.
“If I Can, You Can” is written as encouragement for anyone facing a similar situation to take those brave steps and break free from years of torment. It is written with passion, honesty and a great deal of humour. It is only a short book, but it had me crying and laughing in equal measures.
Relationships always have their ups and downs and certainly need to be worked at, but if you have been in a destructive relationship for a long time this little book might help you to take those first steps to freedom.
Reviewed: Summer 2008