Caring for Your Emotional Health When You Have a Chronic Illness
A chronic illness will likely affect almost every aspect of your life, such as your sleep, social life, relationships, and career. Also, you are more likely to develop a mental health disorder like anxiety or depression. Understanding how chronic illness impacts emotional health, and the steps you can take to counteract those impacts, is essential.
Rather than allowing the chronic illness to alter your mood and outlook, you must consciously care for your mind and body when living with a long-lasting medical condition, such as cancer, arthritis, or COPD.
Please read the following advice on caring for your emotional health when you have a chronic illness.
The Mind-Body Connection
Numerous studies have found physical activity can support good mental health. During exercise, your body releases feel-good hormones that will lift your mood, improve your outlook, and boost your energy levels. Also, it will produce cortisol, a stress hormone, which will make it easier to banish intrusive and racing thoughts. Therefore, a daily workout will soothe the mind and help you overcome every medical obstacle you face.
And don’t forget that a ‘daily workout’ doesn’t just mean going to the gym. Swimming, walking, cycling, yoga, pilates and yoga are all activities that are often excellent for people with underlying health conditions, so to are many more informal types of exercaise such as gardeing and dancing.
Of course, talking to your doctor before embarking on any form of exercise when you have a chronic illness is essential. Also, you must go at your own pace and take a break when needed to avoid overexertion or an injury.
A New Focus
If a chronic illness consumes every thought you have and the decision you make, it’s time to change the narrative in your mind. Instead, set a new goal or embrace an activity to shift your focus and ensure the condition doesn’t dominate your life.
Rather than spending every waking minute thinking about how you feel and what the future has in store, channel your energy into a more worthwhile activity. For instance, you could select one or more of these charity fundraising ideas to raise funds for a cause connected to your chronic illness, which will allow you to become part of the solution.
Fundraising and volunteering will help you adopt a healthier and more positive outlook when thinking of the condition. Plus, you’ll feel a sense of satisfaction knowing your hard work and effort will help change the lives of people with the same condition.
If you have recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness or are struggling to adapt to its new or heightened symptoms, you may find it helpful to talk to an experienced counsellor.
During each session, they can help you navigate your overwhelming feelings and understand their impact on your mental health. Also, a counsellor may recommend one or more therapies to protect your emotional well-being, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), that can prevent negative thinking.
Seek Support
Support is available in various forms when living with a chronic illness, from a doctor and counsellor to your friends and family.
It is natural to feel alone when living with a chronic illness, as people might not fully understand the struggles you will face in your daily life. However, as well as the necessary practical support you need, appropriate emontional support is essential to allevaiate how your chronic illness impacts your emotional health.
For many, it might be worthwhile to join a support group to connect with people with the same condition. It will be comforting to relate to others sharing similar hardships, and you could learn healthy coping strategies to live a healthier and happier life with the chronic illness.
Author bio:
A freelance wellness journalist, Dan explores the most effective ways you can achieve your health and wellness goals for both yourself and your loved ones.