How to Create a Healthy Sleep Schedule for Your Foster Toddler
Have you recently welcomed a foster toddler into your home? Are you still going through the adjustment period where everyone is getting to know each other? Not only do you have plenty to learn about your foster toddler, but at that age, they seem to change almost daily, going through so many developmental stages in a short period. One thing that is extremely important to work on as soon as your toddler arrives is to create a healthy sleep schedule. But what do we mean by healthy sleep schedules for foster toddlers, and why is it so important? Because getting enough sleep means it will help them to grow, stay strong and healthy, and reach all the important milestones.
So, here’s a look at some tips you can use to create a healthy sleep schedule for your foster toddler.
Get Started on the Schedule Immediately
While you may be tempted to put off any kind of routine or schedule at least initially while you all get to know each other, in reality, this will only set everyone back. Creating a routine should be the top priority, as babies, toddlers and children all thrive when they have a schedule.
There are all kinds of different types of fostering, as you can read here at, but whether your foster toddler will be with you for the short or long term, spending the time to create a healthy sleep schedule from day one will be well worth it and not wise to put off. It’s about laying the healthy habit foundation bricks.
Set a Consistent Bedtime
Now it’s time to set a bedtime, which needs to be consistent whether it’s a weekday or weekend. Your foster child will quickly start to learn what bedtime means and that it happens every night at the same time.
Try not to make exceptions, at least in the first few weeks when you are creating a new habit.
Include Activities That Will Help Calm and Soothe Your Foster Toddler
Unfortunately, just because you tell your foster child that it’s bedtime doesn’t mean they are ready mentally or physically. They may benefit from some wind-down activities that help to calm and soothe them.
Much like adults may need to do certain things before bed to calm their minds, toddlers can be the same.
Some great activities can include:
- Having a warm bath
- Reading to them
- Listening to soothing/calming music
- Cuddle time
- Singing bedtime lullabies to them
- Gentle calming stretches
Each child is unique so it will take a little trial and error to find the best activities for them.
Eliminate Distractions During the Bedtime Routine
This is also the time to eliminate distractions such as loud noises, the television, electronic devices, bright lights and so forth. You may also find that you need to remove distractions well before bedtime, even a couple of hours before.
Because you want what’s best for your foster child, teaching them healthy sleep schedules for foster toddlers from the start is imperative. They grow, develop and give their bodies a chance to recharge while sleeping, all of which is important to their overall well-being.