3 Reasons You Should Invest in Your Dog’s Health
Pets can be an expensive part of your life, especially if they have any underlying medical condition that needs constant medication or care. During the Covid-19 pandemic, specifically during lockdowns, the number of pet owners in the UK rose significantly as people saw this as good company for them in the home. This however has led to a surge of unwanted pets as things go back to “normal.” Puppies may be unbelievably cute, but they need a lot of time invested in them or it can affect their health and cause anxiety. Here are three tips to help you invest in your dog’s health
Take out appropriate Insurance
At an early age, a puppy may not need a lot of medical attention but that can change very quickly. Dogs are pets that should be seen by a vet quite regularly just for checkups where they take an overall look at the dog’s weight, teeth, and any obvious health conditions. And in the early stages, they’ll also be vaccinations to consider.
Catching a health condition early with a dog is really important to maintain their health. If you take out appropriate pet insurance, this can support these costs in an incredibly significant way.
If your vet during one of the check-ups identifies something fundamentally wrong with the dog that needs care or treatment (or even surgery), this could cost quite a lot of money: hundreds or even thousands of pounds. In these circumstances, if you do not have pet insurance you are sometimes hit with a dilemma if it is something you are unable to afford.
Having pet insurance, which can normally be paid annually or monthly, will put your mind at ease so if anything unfortunate does happen, you do not need to worry about any money issues. The cost of the insurance will depend on the type of dog, age and if there are any current underlying health conditions. You can also sway the policy to suit your needs in terms of basic cover or more advanced covers. The more you would like covered for the dog, clearly, the more expensive the policy will become. Nonetheless, taking out appropriate pet insurance is probably the most important things to do if you genuinely want to invest in your dog’s health
Dogs need exercises to keep them physically active, but also for fun. The excitement that many dogs show when they hear they are going to go “walkies” is a clear indicator that it is something they enjoy. Getting regular exercise will help them maintain a good weight which is important to ensure they do not get unwell. If you are unable to commit to taking a dog out walking a lot, maybe because you are working, then you should consider dog walking companies that will do this on your behalf. This is a trend that has kicked off very significantly in the UK and you will see many dogs walking companies in your local area.
If you have health issues which start to impact your ability to take your dog for a good walk, or perhaps need to go into hospital for a while, there are charities to help ensure your dog gets the exercise they need,
Dogs Metal Health
Apart from investing in the physical health of your dog, make sure you think about their mental health, too. Just like a human, they will get stressed if they are moving house, if you are not around for a while or if they are unwell. Make sure you look out for the signs and give the dog a lot of reassurance. Signs of this will include them potentially not engaging with you, not eating, or even shaking. Fireworks are another cause of concern for many dogs. Make sure you do your best to protect your dog from this and give them lots of tender loving care. Ultimately, loving your dog unconditionally and showing that you do is the most important way of investing in your dog’s health.