Where Is The Most Expensive Place In The World For Medical Care?
Medical care is a multi-billion pound industry, and many companies have benefitted at our expense from Big Pharma (major multinational pharmaceutical companies producing hugely expensive drugs); medical device companies; small private consultancy practices; and many organisations in between, all reaping the biggest benefits from those in need of medical care. Within our modern-day world, perhaps it is of no surprise that the United States has come in the top for having the most expensive medical care.
The statistics shown below make eye-watering reading and certainly emphasise how incredibly lucky we are in the UK to have the NHS. The last thing you want to have to worry about when you’re going through a medical emergency is whether you can afford it at the other end or not!
For example, studies have shown that the NHS helps to reduce the number of people who skip their medication. The UK polled at 2.3% in 2016 compared to the average of 7.2% in other countries compared. This alone will help to reduce the pressure later. Prevention is more effective than a cure.
We know the NHS is not perfect and is struggling to keep pace with demands, with many people having to face extraordinarily long waits for non-emergency treatments. Nonetheless, when we digest how expensive medical care is in the rest of the world, we should indeed count ourselves very lucky indeed!
According to data released by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation’s and Development (OECD ), within the US the average rate for medical expenses was $11,072 per capita. Can you imagine having that sort of additional expense to cope with every year?
How much do different medical emergencies cost you around the world?
The healthcare industry sets its own prices per private clinic, therefore some may pay different prices to others for the same treatments depending on where they visit. If you were to need an MRI Scan after an accident abroad, you could averagely expect to pay $1084 in New Zealand, $481 in India, £288 in Australia and around $242 in Spain.
The variation is not just limited to accidents. If you require any medicines, you can also expect to pay hefty fees, albeit variable across the globe.
What can you do to try and keep yourself as safe as possible?
Understanding how expensive medical care is in many destinations emphasises the need to take all the necessary precautions when travelling abroad, whether for work or pleasure. It is important that you always have sufficient insurance in place, whether you are going abroad on holiday or moving to permanently live in that country so that if you need to make a medical claim you are able to do so.
You must be proactive and check the details of your cover thoroughly. Ensure that your policy covers the destination you will visit, as well as any sports or activities you plan on doing on your trip. For example, high adrenaline sports such as sky diving may not be covered, and therefore if you become injured doing this you will not be insured.
To stay as safe as possible, it is recommended when travelling abroad that you never go anywhere on your own, and try to remain in a group as much as possible. If an accident were to occur, prompt medical attention is vital.
Prior to travelling, ensure that you are fit to travel and are up to date with COVID vaccinations, as well as all vaccinations for diseases that the country you will be visiting may expose you to, to give your body a better chance at fighting it off. This can also be an entry requirement for some destinations and insurance policies.
We should appreciate how lucky we are in the UK to have the NHS. nonetheless, if we are travelling abroad, we really should understand that some countries demand the most expensive medical care and take all necessary precautions to cover as many potential risks as possible.