Why you need to look after your physical and mental health
A lot has happened in the last few years. Whatever ways you’ve been impacted by the events that have taken place – and the events that are happening right now – it’s likely you’re feeling the effects. But, even without the global pandemic, a European war, an ongoing cost of living crisis, or climate change concerns causing eco-anxiety, it’s always been important that we look after our physical and mental health.
In the UK, because we are very reliant on our GPs and broader NHS services, there is often a mindset that there’s a ‘quick fix’ available if we should fall ill. But unless we consider our physical and mental wellbeing and adapt our lifestyles accordingly on an ongoing basis, we could be causing damage that has long-term effects on the quality of our lives. And often, there’s no quick fix available…!
Here’s a look at why our physical and emotional wellbeing is so important.
Why focus on our mental health?
Our mental health is so important. If we are feeling low or anxious, it can prevent us from living our lives properly and to the full. For instance, those with anxiety might feel unable to attend events or do everyday tasks like the food shop due to feeling anxious.
As well as impacting everyday living, poor mental health can affect personal relationships. The way we interact often changes according to how our mood is that day. Depression and other mental health concerns can influence the conversations we’re having and cause loved ones to worry about us.
In addition to impacting our personal relationships, poor mental health can have an influence on our careers. If, for example, there are money worries, this can lead to stress and lack of sleep, which leads to poor work performance and a lack of engagement.
With all of this in mind, it’s important that we work on our mental wellbeing. Even if you’re feeling ok, it’s worth ensuring you look at ways to carve out time for yourself and build in strategies to keep you feeling mentally well. Whether you do some yoga or enjoy reading a book before bedtime, allow yourself time to settle your mind and relax.
We have seen a plethora of people, from sports personalities to royalty, talking about their mental wellbeing, and we have heard sad stories about young people really struggling with their mental health. In each case, it is widely acknowledged that we need to be more open about any issues we are facing and take time out for ourselves to help redress the stress we may be feeling.
One aspect that is increasingly acknowledged is the benefit of reconnecting with nature. Time spent outside and really noticing what is happening in the natural world around us is incredibly restorative, as is getting involved in community gardening projects.
Why focus on our physical health?
As well as focusing on our minds, we need to think about our bodies. What are we doing to keep ourselves healthy and why do we need to exercise?
Physical activities can help us sleep better, relieve stress levels, and reduce the risk of illnesses such as heart disease and ailments, such as back pain. Movement – even if you’re simply working towards reaching 10,000 steps each day – is also ideal for strengthening muscles, making you feel stronger.
In turn, you’re less likely to have sick days at work and your boosted mood from exercising will lead to more productivity, both in the office and at home.
Before you pop on your running shoes, make sure you know what type of exercise you can take on. For instance, if you’ve suffered a serious injury, you might need to think about what level of exercise you can manage. In fact, if you’ve suffered a serious injury that’s impacting your ability to exercise, it could be worth speaking to a professional about what happened – especially if it limits access to the exercise you want to do and this, in turn, affects your mood.
How are physical and mental health linked?
Understanding how exercise affects our brain is fascinating. Exercise boosts endorphin levels, and these feel-good chemicals enhance happiness levels and act as a stress reliever. That’s why you feel that rush after you’ve been to a dance class or for a run.
Dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine are also triggered by exercise. Increases in serotonin levels will lift your mood, while dopamine is another feel-good chemical.
These chemicals produced from exercise and looking after your physical health are, therefore, linked to your mental health and mood.
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