Finding Solutions to Avoiding Loneliness
A growing problem in our western world is the increase in the number of people who are experiencing loneliness. Humans are generally designed to live in tight groups, in a tribal sense. However, in our modern world, this is something that is disappearing more and more. Although with loneliness we often think of elderly people who have lost all their relatives, it is a problem that affects people everywhere in society, from old to young, from rich to poor, all have issues regarding loneliness. As this can have a huge impact on our mental wellbeing, it is important we find solutions to avoiding loneliness.
A changing society
Our society has been changing greatly over the past 100 years. In a technological sense, which according to some adds to the increased loneliness of people because it would be causing certain social atomisation, but also in a moral sense. Whereas 100 years ago our western world was strictly Christian, in the 60s big changes happened. Suddenly everyone went on to decide for themselves what they believed to be their purpose and what not. Suddenly religion had been given an ultimate and extreme freedom and was radically starting to change its place in society. Tight-knit church communities disappeared and although some are still around the churches controlling place in society has disappeared.
The ideal family
Another thing that has changed in the past century is our view on family values. The value of family life seems to have diminished, evidenced by the significant increase in marriages that end in divorce, especially for those over 60.
Of course, not all families were good in the past, not in the slightest, however, a family was much more of a foundation for a social context for people. Nowadays with the much more volatile nature of families, this foundation has become much weaker and therefore there is a bigger chance of losing all connections to society for people nowadays.
How do we solve this?
When marriages break up, or a partner dies, this can have a huge impact on our social lives, especially for the over 60s. When we have spent so many years doing everything as a couple, there is often a completely new dimension to our lives that is difficult to come to terms with.
Many people over 60 would like to find a new partner, whether that is just for socialising or perhaps for a deeper relationship. Although the digital world has some downsides for our social lives perhaps, although that is a discussion for some other day, perhaps it could also be of use here. Take for example an over 60s dating site, which can be a great resource to help people of a certain age re-establish their social lives. Of course, this is by no means the only solution and not of interest to everybody. However, for those who would like to find a dating partner, is an example of a dating site for the elderly.
Dating again isn’t something everyone wants to do when they have lost a partner, but for many people it can be one of the solutions to avoiding loneliness.
Retirement and loneliness
Losing a loved one when you are over 60, either through divorce, separation, or death, often happens at the same time as retiring from work. Retirement then frequently changes from a time in the autumn of our lives that we have been looking forward to a time of sadness and loneliness, with added feelings of lack of purpose, feeling lost and unfulfilled.
Keeping in touch with family and friends is hugely important. But similarly, there are a multitude of groups in all areas across the UK that you can join. That can be everything from walking, painting, reading and so much more. A good starting place might be to check out courses at your local Adult Education College and/or the University of the Third Age (U3A) which has more than 430,000 members across the UK.
You will also find this is a helpful resource for finding solutions for loneliness as we age.