Learn How To Deal With Pesky Insects That Live Around You
Bugs and insects enjoy a lovely home that has food and water, and that seems to be a great place for shelter. Basically, that is the demand of all living things since the beginning of time. There are different types of annoying and scary insects, which turn into real trouble when they enter the home. Flies, ants, cockroaches, and spiders are some common insects that happen to like living inside houses. If you’re a pet owner, you can add ticks and fleas to the list. Getting rid of such pests is usually a time-consuming endeavour that may require several approaches before you’re finally able to settle on one that helps you deal with those pesky insects.
Homes with huge gardens can also be a great breeding ground for a number of pesky insects, especially in the summertime, although it is important to remember that most of these insects are also essential as part of the biodiversity chain. We all know we need bees to pollinate flowers, fruit and vegetables, but did you know that hornets and wasps are also important pollinators.
Some insects can really be harmful when they come in contact with human beings, especially if you are allergic to them. And while wasps, hornets and bees do not generally sting humans for no reason, they will do if they feel threatened or think they are being attacked. If a bee stings you, it then dies. But a wasp can sting multiple times which could be deadly. So whilst we should appreciate the beauty and purpose of these pesky insects and understand they normally do us no harm, we do also need to understand they can be dangerous creatures that can cause serious injury or even death.
Read through our article to learn how to deal with pesky insects that live around you.
Close all Openings and Cracks
Your front door, windows, screens, and other places that can allow insects into your home must be regularly checked. Tiny holes, cracks, and openings are huge welcome signs to every tiny creature as they make their way inside your home and get comfortable. You should be very careful with torn screens and unsealed windows and doors. Holes and cracks should be repaired and clogged immediately, especially in the summertime. That’s when bugs and insects abound, as they finish their hibernation season, and come out looking for food and a nice place to hide from the brutal summer heat.
Why Not Use Pesticides
Using pesticides is not the best approach to getting rid of insects and bugs in the home, since they are non-specific. They might end up killing the bugs you want to get rid of, as well as other useful creatures that you don’t want to kill for environmental reasons. Learning how to deal with pesky insects also means understanding how not to cause other damage.
Pesticides will not only kill insects, but they will also kill or harm anything that comes in contact with anything treated with pesticides. They’re also very harmful to pets and pollinators like wasps, bees, and butterflies. It’s relatively easier to deal with wasps during winter than during the summer since at that time they tend to die alone not because of the cold weather but due to a lack of food. So, the best way to get rid of such insects without harming the ecosystem is to use natural repellents.
Natural Repellents to Get Rid of Insects
Peppermint and Cinnamon Oil
Peppermint and cinnamon oils are very useful in repelling almost all types of undesired insects. By mixing a tablespoonful of oil and water, you will not only get rid of the insects, but you will also refresh your home and surroundings with a pleasant smell. Spray this solution onto windows and door entrances, and apply this daily onto targeted areas for at least one week until the insects are completely gone. You might need to repeat the same process once every week to ensure that insects do not return soon.
Eucalyptus Oil
Most insects like earwigs, aphids, mites, and ants avoid being in a place that has a sharp and strong smell. You can make a natural repellent using eucalyptus oil and water in a spray bottle, and apply this mixture to outdoor and home plants, or anywhere else to prevent pests and insects. To make the mixture more effective and to ensure it lasts for a longer time, you can add dish soap or any detergent to the eucalyptus mix.
Lavender Oil
One of the most effective essential oils in repelling pests and insects is lavender oil. It has a great scent and a soothing effect that makes you feel relaxed and calm. Lavender oil has been used to fight flies, mosquitos, and similar insects for ages now. It prevents moths from getting into fabrics like linen, so it’s very good for protecting clothes. It eases infections and soothes skin bites caused by insects. Basically, it’s great for almost everything from your home and clothes, to your body.
Insects and pests are quite annoying and invasive, so protecting your home, garden, and backyard from such irritating creatures is not an easy task. Having pets and little children at home makes it even more difficult because, though you need to get rid of insects, you still must consider the health and well-being of those who live on the same property. Natural methods are the safest alternative to keep your surroundings clean and rid of any undesired insects, while also protecting the environment. Preventive measures like keeping your place clean, getting rid of food remains, and cleaning your kitchen and utensils regularly will help keep insects away.