How to Convince a Loved One of the Benefits of Assisted Living Communities
It is understandable that many elderly people are reluctant to give up their home and their independence and move to a ‘care home.’ But there are lots of options available and it is often the best decision to ensure they remain safe and healthy. But how do you convince a loved one, whether that’s a friend or family member, of the benefits of assisted living communities?
Often, they think that you’re questioning their ability to be independent, which in some instances may be the case, or even attempting to revoke their dignity. Tensions can be high during these troubling times. Nonetheless, if the decision is truly for the best, they must realise that sooner rather than later.
It’s worth considering how you can be more persuasive on these matters to get the ball rolling. Consequently, here are some tips to help you with these aims.
Mention the Different Types of Care
Living in care or assisted living can be quite a broad term. Many people might assume they’re being sent to some dreary care home that doesn’t resemble the real life they are used to, but that can be a long way from the reality.
Of course, all facilities do their best to comfort and care for those staying with them. That said, there is a lot of variety in the services on offer, and not one is identical to the other. There are sheltered housing and extra care housing. Moreover, homeshare schemes, close care, and retirement villages can be worthy of consideration too.
Sit down with your loved one and discuss options together. It may convince them to have an open mind free of warped expectations. Remember, many people object to assisted living as they feel robbed of choice in the matter, even if they know it’s best for them. Reintroduce the element of options, where appropriate, and your efforts at persuasion may be more effective.
Discuss How Facilities are Equipped
Some people who need assisted living might believe they have all they need. They might think their fighting spirit is enough to get them by. However, in some situations, they’ll know it’s not enough in their hearts. Remind them that in some instances, assisted living could even provide a far better quality of life if the right choices are made.
Many assisted living options can seem very much home-from-home, but with the option of additional care packages to be added as and when needed. Many people can remain almost totally independent but have help close at hand if it is needed. Additionally, most elderly people will enjoy the community activities that are available in assisted living communities.
Some retirement villages offer options of flats and houses plus many leisure facilities including restaurants, hairdressers, gyms, swimming pools and allotments. This can be a wonderful way to fully enjoy those retirement years and maximise the benefits of assisted living.
You could detail all the state-of-the-art equipment these facilities are equipped with. That way, your loved one is more likely to be convinced that the facility can look after them well. Instead of discussing your loved one’s weaknesses, discuss the care facility’s strengths.
For example, if mobility is a major issue that is likely to get worse, electric hoists are often featured in care facilities. They can be installed at home but are also used in care homes. However, electric hoists have many different iterations and features, and the most high-quality variations are likely to be found within care home facilities.
If your loved one is used to a carer moving them to a bed or into the bath, they’ll know this is not easy for anyone. Facilities such as electric hoists for those who need them can make life so much easier for the person being cared for and their carers.
Involve Other Loved Ones
Despite your best efforts to be persuasive, your loved one may still need an extra push into believing the decision to go into assisted living is right for them.
Your relationship might be strong with your loved one. However, it might be that they like somebody else a little more, despite all you’re doing. Unfortunately, even many parents play favourites with their children (even if they struggle to admit it), and some relationships are stronger than others. Don’t be bitter and use that to your advantage.
Therefore, it’s a good idea to call in some selective backup. Multiple persuasive voices are better than one, and you may feel less isolated in your efforts too! If you can rally a caring community around the loved one, they might be more likely to listen to reason and actually start to look forward to a better way of life where they can truly enjoy the benefits of assisted living.