How To Get Your Kids Interested in Doing Sports
It can be tough to get your kids interested in doing sports. Most seem to like watching sports on the TV or various sports-related games on their devices but getting involved and physically participating is often a different story! However, there are a few things you can do to encourage them and help them get started and keep motivated. This blog post will provide tips on how to get your kids interested in doing sports.
Provide the right equipment
They may not seem very enthusiastic about the idea of actively participating in sports, or they might be resistant to trying something new. So, the starting point is finding out what interests them: what are they watching on TV, what games are they playing, are their friends involved in any specific sports. Watch, listen, and ask!
One of the primary things that you can do to help your kids get into sports and ensure they stay involved is getting them the right equipment. If they are not interested in playing basketball, a net in the corner of the garden might seem like an easy option but it will not be effective for long.
For instance, you may notice that they seem to be interested in golf. Ask if it is something they are interested in and arrange for a trial session at your local golf course or practice centre.
Once you have had a trial run and your child is keen to continue, talk about the equipment they need. Explain that you are not going to spend a fortune until they show real commitment but, nonetheless, they still need the appropriate equipment. In this case, what you might consider is getting your child golf clubs for kids to foster their interest. These clubs are designed specifically for children and can make the game more fun and enjoyable for them. Playing with clubs that are too big for them is not going to support or encourage them in the longer term.
Just keep in mind that getting the right equipment also includes making sure they have the right clothes. If it is an outdoor sport such as golf or football, they will need appropriate clothing for the extremes of weather we are subject to in the UK!
The last thing you want is for them to be uncomfortable or feel the odd one out because they do not have the proper gear.
Make it a family activity
Another terrific way to get your kids interested in doing sports is by making it a family activity. This means that you and your partner will also be participating in the sport with them. Not only does this make the experience more enjoyable for everyone, but it can also help teach them teamwork and cooperation. It also shows them that you care about what they are doing and want to be a part of it. In this case, what you can do is to sign up for a tennis class as a family.
Sports such as swimming or cycling are great for families. Maybe it will always stay as just a pleasant family activity, albeit beneficial for everyone, but it could also spark a real desire to join a club and take the activity up to the next level.
The key is to do something that everyone will enjoy and be able to participate in. This way, your kids will not feel left out or like they must do something they don’t want to.
Come up with a challenge
Get your kids interested in doing sports by coming up with a challenge. This means that you’ll be setting goals for them and helping them achieve them. Not only does this make the experience more fun, but it can also help teach them discipline and perseverance.
A perfect starting point is Saturday morning parkruns held all around the world as free, weekly community events. This way, you’ll be able to set those goals together for the whole family, as well as keeping each other motivated until the end of the run, and planning the goals for the following week’s event.
Many local charities also run regular fun runs as sponsorship events. These are great to participate in as a family and collectively raise money for a worthy cause. It’s a great combination: fresh air, exercise, and community spirit!
The best part about introducing a challenge is that you can make it as difficult or easy as you want. If your child is just starting, then you may want to set easier goals for them. This way, they’ll be able to achieve them and feel good about themselves. As they progress, you can then start to set harder and harder goals for them to accomplish. Do remember, of course, that failure should not be seen as a bad thing but as part of the learning process we must all go through in order to improve. Please don’t be one of those pushy sideline parents!! Playing sports should be fun and a physically and mentally beneficial pursuit for children.
Have a reward system in place
Finally, get your kids interested in doing sports by having a reward system in place. This means that you will be able to give them something when they accomplish their goals or do well at the sport they are playing. But do make it something relevant such as a new piece of equipment or clothing, membership of a club, or professional lessons.
The key is to think of something that your child will enjoy and be excited about. This way, they will be more motivated to keep playing and doing their best. Just make sure that the rewards are appropriate for the child’s age and interests.